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目的分析钦州市钦南区2005-2015年自然疫源性疾病的流行状况及防控效果,为今后制定防控策略提供依据;方法通过中国疾病监测信息报告管理系统,收集钦州市钦南区2005-2015年自然疫源性疾病病例相关信息,采用描述流行病学方法进行分析,并评价防控效果;结果 2005-2015年共报告自然疫源性疾病9种95例,年均发病率为1.53/10万,死亡72例,病死率为75.79%,年均死亡率为1.16/10万。总体发病率呈较低水平。主要的病种为狂犬病,发病率呈下降趋势。布鲁氏菌病、人感染猪链球菌病属首次发生。除狂犬病之外,其他自然疫源性疾病的流行时间,基本符合我国东南沿海地区自然疫源性疾病流行的时间,显示明显的季节性;病例以男性占比例最多(68.42%);职业以农民、民工类人群占比例最多(67.37%);在年龄分布中,狂犬病占比例最高的分别为≥60岁组(26.36%)、50~岁组(19.44%)和<10岁组(15.28%);乙型脑炎全部为<10岁儿童;其他则以20~49岁的青壮年为主;针对不同的疾病采取不同的防控措施,未发生疫情蔓延。结论 2005-2015年钦州市钦南区自然疫源性疾病处于低流行状态,防控措施效果显著。 Objective To analyze the epidemic situation and control effect of natural epidemic diseases in Qinan District, Qinzhou City from 2005 to 2015, and to provide the basis for future prevention and control strategies.Methods Through the information management system of disease surveillance in China, we collected Qinan District Qinzhou District 2005 - 2015 Relevant information on cases of natural foci of infectious diseases, using descriptive epidemiological methods for analysis and evaluation of prevention and control effects; Results A total of 95 cases of natural foci of 9 kinds were reported from 2005 to 2015, with an average annual incidence of 1.53 / 100,000, 72 deaths, the case fatality rate was 75.79%, the average annual mortality rate was 1.16 / 100000. The overall incidence was lower. The main disease is rabies, the incidence showed a downward trend. Brucellosis, human infection of Streptococcus suis occurs for the first time. In addition to rabies, the prevalence of other natural epidemic-related diseases basically coincided with the time of the natural epidemic-type epidemic in the southeastern coastal areas of China, showing a clear seasonal pattern; the male cases accounted for the largest proportion (68.42%); (67.37%). The highest proportion of rabies was age≥60 (26.36%), 50 ~ (19.44%) and <10 (15.28%) in the age group, ; All B encephalitis was <10-year-old children; others were young adults aged 20-49 years. Different prevention and control measures were taken for different diseases without any outbreak of epidemic. Conclusion From 2005 to 2015, natural foci of Qinan District in Qinzhou City was in a low prevalence state with significant prevention and control measures.
为了克服保护地黄瓜在冬季生产中植株不耐低温、生长势弱、抗病性差等难题,笔者近年来试验推广了黄瓜秋季嫁接培育壮苗技术,收到了一定 In order to overcome the cucumber