Robust capacity maximization transceiver design for MIMO OFDM systems

来源 :Science China(Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:keximi9
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In this paper, we investigated capacity maximization problem for Multiple Input Multiple Output Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing systems with imperfect channel state information(CSI). To the best of our knowledge, the considered problem is still an open problem. However, the transceiver designs for MIMO OFDM systems have been extensively studied. It seems nobody gives closed-form solutions for resource allocation for MIMO OFDM systems with statistical channel estimation errors up to date. In our work, based on practical channel estimation algorithm, the channel estimation errors are first derived and then the robust resource allocation problem has been formulated. The structure of the optimal robust precoder is first derived,based on which the optimization problem will be simplified significantly. Furthermore, based on the Lagrangian dual method, a robust power allocation algorithm is proposed. The proposed power allocation can be considered as a variant of water-filling solution named cluster water-filling solution. Finally, simulation results show that our proposed robust design outperforms the non-robust design in terms of channel capacity. In this paper, we investigated capacity maximization problem for Multiple Input Multiple Output Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing systems with imperfect channel state information (CSI). However, the considered problem is still an open problem. It seems nobody gives closed-form solutions for resource allocation for MIMO OFDM systems with statistical channel estimation errors up to date. In our work, based on practical channel estimation algorithm, the channel estimation errors are first derived and then the robust resource allocation problem has been formulated. The structure of the optimal robust precoder is first derived, based on which the optimization problem will be simplified significantly. The proposed power allocation can be considered as a variant of water-filling solu Finally, the simulation results show that our proposed robust design outperforms the non-robust design terms terms channel capacity.
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