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1月22日,河南迎来“两会”时间。政府工作报告绘就发展蓝图:201 8年河南省要实施“万家企业上云”,争创“中国制造2025”国家级示范区,发挥好中国(郑州)产业转移系列对接、中国农产品加工业投资贸易洽谈会等平台作用。加快国家大数据综合试验区建设,抓好数据资源集中整合、开放共享,大力发展数字经济。
A pneumatic test rig is built to test a curved 90° square bend in an open-circuit horizontal-to-horizontal suction wind tunnel system. Sand particles are u
Reaction of 4-carboxaldehyde-2-phenyl-2H-1,2,3-triazole 1 with malononitrile in presence of piperidine afforded the triazolomalonitrile 2 which on treatment wit
Photons are emitted during brain activity and when applied externally alter its functional connectivity during the resting state. In the present study we applie
Post-translational modification (PTM) increases the functional diversity of proteins by introducing new functional groups to the side chain of amino acid of a p
企业技术创新能力是国家技术创新能力的基础。增强企业创新能力,已成为我国抓住和用好本世纪前20年发展的重要战略机遇期,全面提升国家竞争力,实现中华民族伟大复兴的重要战略抉择。企业是技术创新的主体,也是增强自主创新能力的关键环节。全面推动企业自主创新,提高企业技术创新能力,是当前经济社会发展中的重大课题  改革开放以来,随着经济快速发展,经济和科技体制改革不断深化,我国企业技术创新和技术进步取得明显进
The changes of blood erythrocytes transport function in patients with prostate adenocarcinoma have been studied according to alterations in Na+/K+-ATP-ase activ
Introduction: The objective of our study was to describe the socio-demographic characteristics and cardiovascular risk factors (RVFs) of diabetic patients admit
Evolutionary divergence has been characterized based on morphological and molecular features using rationale based on Darwin’s theory of natural selection. How