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星辰石,因其图案如日月、星辰,故名。也有人称它为太阳石、月亮石或日月石的,但似有以偏概全之嫌,故笔者认为还是叫星辰石为好。星辰石是近年来国内新发现的一个光彩夺目的奇石佳种,一经面世,即受社会注目。现就其观赏价值及收藏价值作一概述。一、星辰石的观赏价值在或圆或扁或不规则的石体上,有一个或多个浑圆形图案出现,小如米粒,大如碗口,其图案色泽有红有黄有白,间有套色。红黄者如太阳,色白者似月亮,月亮周围散布小白点者又如群星灿烂。石中的太阳色调表现丰富,有鲜红如血的朝阳,有黄如铁汁的中日,有的光芒四射,有的日晕环罩,还有的日中出现明显的日核。石中的月亮多呈纯白色,月形有圆有缺。无论太阳图案或月亮图案与所载石体反差都很大,对比度极强,观之审之真乃空中日月,使人从心灵深处叹服大自然的鬼斧神工。 Star stone, because of its patterns such as the sun and the moon, the stars, hence the name. Some people call it the sun stone, moon stone or sun and moon stone, but there seems to be partial to the suspect, so I think it is still called stars stone as well. Star stone is newly discovered in China in recent years, a dazzling variety of wonderful rock, once available, that is, by the community attention. Now on its ornamental value and collection value to make an overview. First, the ornamental value of stars and stones Or round or flat or irregular stone, one or more rounded patterns appear, as small as rice, as large as the mouth, the pattern of color red and yellow and white, between There are color sets. Red and yellow, such as the sun, white like the moon, the moon scattered around the white spots and stars such as brilliant. The stone in the sun is rich in color tone, with bright red blood as the sun, with yellow as iron juice in China and Japan, and some radiant, some sun halo cover, as well as Japan and Japan obvious nuclear. The moon in the stone mostly pure white, moon-shaped round missing. Whether the sun pattern or the moon pattern and the carried stone contrast are great, the contrast is very strong, the truth of the concept of trial is the sky sun and the moon, people admire the natural gods from the depths of the soul.
1 机构组成 韩国海洋开发研究所是韩国唯一的综合性海洋科学研究机构,现址在京畿道安山市,隶属于韩国的科学与技术研究院。该所实行理事会领导下的所长负责制,下设计划和管
目的 :了解陕西省高校体育教师职业流行病特征,提出针对性防治建议,为体育教师的身心健康发展提供参考。方法 :采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、访谈法进行研究。结
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