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近年来,在党和政府的关怀下,特别是《中华人民共和国红十字会法》颁布以来,我国的红十字事业蓬勃发展,红十字事业越来越得到地方各级党委和政府重视和支持,红十字事业的发展有了一个较好的环境。 但是,要认真履行红十字的宗旨和任务,完成中国红十字会五年工作规化纲要中提出的各项战略任务,特别是建立健全县(市)一级红十字组织,充分发挥县(市)级红十字会组织的作用,还需要我们做大量的工作和积极的努力。就目前县(市)级红十字会存在的问题及加强县(市)级红十字会建设谈一点看法。1.目前县(市)级红十字组织的现状 县(市)级红十字会组织在整个红十字会组织中占有相当重要的地位和作用,加强县(市)级红十字会组织的建设,认真做好县(市)级红十字会组织的工作具有非常重要的意义。 In recent years, under the care of the party and the government, especially since the promulgation of the “Law of the People’s Republic of China Red Cross Society,” China’s Red Cross cause has flourished, and the Red Cross cause has been increasingly valued and supported by party committees and governments at all levels. The development of the Red Cross cause has a better environment. However, we must conscientiously fulfill the purposes and tasks of the Red Cross and complete all the strategic tasks outlined in the five-year plan of the Red Cross Society of China, in particular, establish and improve the county (city) level Red Cross organizations and give full play to the counties (cities). The role of the level Red Cross organization also requires us to do a lot of work and active efforts. To discuss the existing problems of the county (city) level Red Cross Society and strengthening the construction of the county (city) level Red Cross Society. 1. Current Status of County (City) Level Red Cross Organizations County (city) level Red Cross organizations occupy an important position and role in the entire Red Cross organization and strengthen the construction of county (city) level Red Cross organizations. It is of great significance to do a good job in the work of county (city)-level Red Cross organizations.
1 病历简介rn患者男,12岁,因右下腹疼痛伴发热5天于1998年10月22日入院.T38.8℃,P95次/分,R22次/分,BP120/90mmHg,腹平坦,右下腹肌紧张,压痛,反跳痛,以麦氏点明显;右下腹似触
1 病例介绍rn患者男,65岁,因上腹部胀痛、柏油样便1天入院.
1 病例介绍  患者男 ,5 1岁。头部被打伤伴头痛、呕吐 7天入院。在外未作处理。既往无食物、药物过敏史。入院时查体 :T37.0℃ ,P80次 /min,BP19/11k Pa。表情淡漠 ,有时