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We convey our sincere thanks for the publication of this special University of Michigan issue of Chinese Chemical Letters.The idea to publish this special issue came from a meeting between Dr.Zhan Chen(Professor of Chemistry at the University of Michigan)and Dr.Huanfang Guo(associate editor-in-chief,Chinese Chemical Letters)when Dr.Guo visited the University of Michigan during May2014.On behalf of Prof.Xuhong Qian,the editor-in-chief of Chinese We convey our sincere thanks for the publication of this special University of Michigan issue of Chinese Chemical Letters. The idea to publish this special issue came from a meeting between Dr.Zhan Chen (Professor of Chemistry at the University of Michigan) and Dr.Huanfang Guo (associate editor-in-chief, Chinese Chemical Letters) when Dr. Guo visited the University of Michigan during May2014. On behalf of Prof. Xuhong Qian, the editor-in-chief of Chinese
Organic molecular materials and devices are one of the most important research areas of chemistry in the 21st century and thus have received extensive attention
1)THERMODYNAMICS,KINETICS,AND STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY(chemical equilibrium and thermodynamic parameters,calorimetry,nonequilibrium thermodynamics and dissipative s
目的探讨鼻塞式持续呼吸道正压通气(CPAP)对新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征的治疗效果。方法 对50例呼吸窘迫综合征患儿应用鼻塞式CPAP,观察并分析评估疗效及不良反应。结果 50例患儿
A new three-dimensional nickel(Ⅱ) hydrogen-bonded molecular self assembly containing [(Ni(nicotinamide)2(thiocyanate)2(H2O)2] complex has been synthesized and
This paper is proposed to understand the interaction of porphyrin layers with diatomic molecules interacting at their interior regions by applying ab initio and
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从医30年来潜心钻研中西医结合治疗小儿疾病,擅长治疗小儿肾病、紫癜、肺炎支原体感染、腹泻、哮喘、抽动-秽语综合征、心肌炎等疾病。2010年1月黑 He has been devoted to