Balancing energy and daylighting performances for envelope design: A new index and proposition of a

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The upkeep of existing buildings has a great role to play in reducing the carbon emissions of the built environment. Fac,ade upgrade represents one of the most effective interventions to improve both thermal efficiency and aesthetic appeal of existing buildings. Double Skin Fa c,ades( DSFs) have much to offer due to their use of solar and w ind energy to passively heat and cool indoor spaces,whilst guaranteeing freedom and flexibility in the aesthetic design of the refurbished building. How ever,DSFs also bear an increase in the embodied energy and carbon due to the additional materials required for the extra skin throughout all life cycle stages.In this article,life cycle assessment( LCA) and dynamic energy modelling have been combined through a parametric approach to obtain figures for the w hole-life cycle carbonassessment of 384 different configurations of an innovative,timber-made DSF for UK low-carbon refurbishments. Additionally,the structural design of the fac,ade w as also investigated through a structural optimisation procedure w hich takes into account all relevant loads and ensures minimal use of the structural material.Results show that operational savings outw eigh the embodied impacts and therefore the proposed DSF is a viable and effective solution for net carbon-negative refurbishments. The operational energy modelling also contributes to the characterisation of DSFs thermal behaviour in temperate climates. The upkeep of existing buildings has a great role to play in reducing the carbon emissions of the built environment. Fac, ade upgrade one of the most effective interventions to improve both thermal efficiency and aesthetic appeal of existing buildings. Double Skin Fa c, ades (DSFs) have much to offer due to their use of solar and w ind energy to passively heat and cool indoor spaces, yet guarantee freedom and flexibility in the aesthetic design of the refurbished building. energy and carbon due to the additional materials required for the extra skin throughout all life cycle stages. In this article, life cycle assessment (LCA) and dynamic energy modeling have been combined through a parametric approach to obtain figures for the w hole-life cycle carbonassessment of 384 different configurations of an innovative, timber-made DSF for UK low-carbon refurbishments. Additionally, the structural design of the fac, ade w as also inv estigated through a structural optimization procedure w hich takes into account all the relevant loads and ensures minimal use of the structural material. Results show that operational savings out of eigh the embodied impacts and therefore the proposed DSF is a viable and effective solution for net carbon-negative refurbishments The operational energy modeling also contributes to the characterization of DSFs thermal behavior in temperate climates.
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