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为了了解泸州市民对健康体检意识、参与健康体检现状及其影响因素,为制定相应的工作对策提供参考。自编问卷调查表,对泸州地区市民进行问卷调查,SPSS17.0统计软件对调查结果进行统计学分析。结合小组访谈情况,整合定量和定性资料得出结论并探讨对策。96.65%被调查者已意识到体检有助于早发现疾病,32.43%被调查者每年坚持体检1次,85.04%被调查者对体检前注意事项有所了解,44.28%被调查者认为体检费用太贵。所以泸州市市民有普遍的健康体检意识,但参与健康体检的人群比例很小,主要原因是市民的健康消费观念存在偏颇,对健康体检费用不满意。积极探讨新的工作思路和对策,提高市民的健康体检意识和行为,这对于提升国民健康素质具有十分重要的现实意义。 In order to understand the awareness of Luzhou citizens on physical examination, the status quo of participating in physical examination and its influencing factors, it provides a reference for formulating corresponding work strategies. A questionnaire survey was conducted to survey residents in Luzhou area, SPSS17.0 statistical software for statistical analysis of the survey results. Combined with the group interviews, integrate quantitative and qualitative data to draw conclusions and explore countermeasures. 96.65% of the respondents have realized that the physical examination can help to detect the disease early, 32.43% of the respondents insist on physical examination once a year, 85.04% of the respondents know about the precautions before examinations, 44.28% of the respondents think the examinations too expensive. Therefore, Luzhou citizens have a general sense of health examination, but the proportion of people participating in the health examination is very small, mainly due to biased perceptions of citizens’ health spending and dissatisfaction with the cost of health examination. Actively explore new ideas and measures for work and improve public awareness of physical examination and behavior, which for the promotion of national health quality has very important practical significance.