北京大学与安邦咨询公司 共建研究生实习基地

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本刊讯在我国,虽然信息产业即将有希望攀上万亿产值的高峰,但信息服务业在其中的比重却低得可怜,一九九九年只有二○○亿元的产值,占行业产值的比重只有百分之二。换句话说,在我国的信息产业中,信息服务业与信息设备制造业的比重是一比五○。对比发达国家,同样的比例关系却是颠倒过来的,美国的信息服务业与信息设备制造业的比例是五比一,日本在九十年代的初期就达到了一比一,韩国是一比五,显然,在某种程度上,信息服务业的发达程度即是一个国家发达程度的缩影。 In our country, though the information industry is about to rise to the peak of one trillion yuan of output value, the proportion of information service industry in it is rather low. Only the output value of 200 billion yuan accounted for the output value of the industry in 1999 Only two percent of the proportion. In other words, in the information industry in our country, the proportion of information service industry and information equipment manufacturing industry is one to five. Compared with the developed countries, the same proportional relationship is reversed. The ratio of the information service industry and the information equipment manufacturing industry in the United States is five to one. In the early 1990s, Japan reached one to one ratio. In South Korea, Obviously, to a certain extent, the degree of development of the information service industry is a microcosm of the development of a country.
Preschool education is the starting point of one’s education experience.It is of vital significance to the healthy development of individual and the improvemen
冬季带宝宝,哪些做法正确,哪些做法是不对的,你心里有数吗?请看本文。 Winter with the baby, which practices are correct, what is wrong, what is your mind? See this
只在小考中称霸的王者  石清清是珠海市一所示范性高中的高三女生。读初中时,她学习成绩很好,参加中考前,在老师的鼓励下,她信心百倍地报考了现在就读的这所以升学率高而闻名的高中,结果考砸了,总成绩比录取分数线差了7分,后来父母拿了两万元的择校费,才让她如愿以偿。  为区区7分付出两万元的代价,石清清痛心疾首。老师和同学都为她鸣不平:“以你的实力,十拿九稳能考上啊!为什么偏偏在重要的考试中失手?”“模拟
每个青少年心中都有自己的偶像。从某种程度上说,青少年追星应该令家长欣喜,因为这证明孩子的社会化正在加强。日前,记者对北京市两所示范中学、两所普通中学 Every teen ha
1问题的提出  学生在学习中“犯错”是普遍的,那么在物理学习中企图完全避免错误是不现实的.有时正面的灌输未必有效,而通过学生自我尝试错误,最后体会将是更深入.“试误”法正是基于这样的考虑,旨在以一种新的教育理念实现师生互动,达到培养学生的创新意识和创造潜能。
尽管在文化和立法上还存在不少障碍,欧洲人还是渐渐开始将目光投向了网站的个性化。 “个人化”如今在美国进行得如火如荼;不论是亚马逊书店依据用户的个人癖好推荐图书还是
文章通过对世界信息产业几种典型发展模式的比较和对我国信息产业现状的分析,探索了我国信息产业的发展模式。 Through the comparison of several typical development mod