Application of Seismic Anisotropy Caused by Fissures in Coal Seams to the Detection of Coal-bed Meth

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nyhtstchhgxl
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Coal-bed methane is accumulated in micro-fissures and cracks in coal seams. The coal seam is the source terrace and reservoir bed of the coal-bed methane (Qian et al., 1996). Anisotropy of coal seams is caused by the existence of fissures. Based on the theory of S wave splitting: an S wave will be divided into two S waves with nearly orthogonal polarization directions when passing through anisotropic media, i.e. the fast S wave with its direction of propagation parallel to that of the fissure and slow S wave with the direction of propagation perpendicular to that of the fissure.This paper gives the results of laboratory research and field test on the S wave splitting caused by coal-seam fissures: The results show that it is, feasible to detect fissures in coal seams by applying the converted S wave and finally gives the development zone and development direction of these fissures. Coal-bed methane is accumulated in micro-fissures and cracks in coal seams. The coal seam is the source terrace and reservoir bed of the coal-bed methane (Qian et al., 1996). Anisotropy of coal seams is caused by the existence of existence of fissures. Based on the theory of S wave splitting: an S wave will be divided into two S waves with nearly orthogonal polarization directions when passing through anisotropic media, ie the fast S wave with its direction of propagation parallel to that of the fissure and slow S wave with the direction of propagation perpendicular to that of the fissure.This paper gives the results of laboratory research and field test on the S wave splitting caused by coal-seam fissures: The results show that it is, feasible to detect fissures in coal seams by applying the converted S wave and finally gives the development zone and development direction of these fissures.
1 临床资料患儿张乐,女,10岁。因发热二天伴阵发性干咳,来门诊就医患儿。查:138.3℃,咽部充血,扁桃体肿大I°,在个体卫生所诊断为“上感”后,给5%葡萄糖250毫升,青霉素560万
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1949年 10月1日 中华人民共和国的诞生,揭开了中国石油工业的历史新篇章。共和国一成立,中央人民政府就设置了燃料工业部(以下简称燃料部),主管煤炭、电力和石油工业的生产