Robust stability criteria for uncertain linear systems with interval time-varying delay

来源 :Journal of Control Theory and Applications | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiajiawangwang
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This paper considers the robust delay-dependent stability problem of a class of linear uncertain system with interval time-varying delay and proposes less conservative stability criteria for computing the maximum allowable bound of the delay range. Less conservatism of the proposed stability criteria is attributed to the delay-central point method of stability analysis, wherein the delay interval is partitioned into two subintervals of equal length, and the time derivative of a candidate Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional based on delay decomposition technique is evaluated in each of these delay segments. In deriving the stability conditions in LMI framework, neither model transformations nor bounding techniques using free-weighting matrix variables are employed for dealing the cross-terms that emerge from the time derivative of the Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional; instead, they are dealt using tighter integral inequalities. The proposed analysis subsequently yields a stability condition in convex LMI framework that can be solved using standard numerical packages. For deriving robust stability conditions, two categories of system uncertainties, namely, time-varying structured and polytopic-type uncertainties, are considered. The effectiveness of the proposed stability criteria is validated through standard numerical examples. This paper considers the robust delay-dependent stability problem of a class of linear uncertainty system with interval time-varying delay and proposition of computing less assurance stability criteria for computing the maximum allowable bound of the delay range. Less conservatism of the proposed stability criteria is attributed to the delay-central point method of stability analysis, wherein the delay interval is partitioned into two subintervals of equal length, and the time derivative of a candidate Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional based on delay decomposition technique is evaluated in each of these delay segments. the stability conditions in LMI framework, neither model transformations nor bounding techniques using free-weighting matrix variables are employed for dealing with cross-terms that emerge from the time derivative of the Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional; instead, they are dealt using tighter integral inequalities. The proposed analysis gave a stable condition in convex LMI framework that can be solved using standard numerical packages. For deriving robust stability conditions, two categories of system uncertainties, namely, time-varying structured and polytopic-type uncertainties, are considered. The effectiveness of the proposed stability criteria is validated through standard numerical examples.
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