
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bbcat1982
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幼儿园教师的教育对象是天真、幼稚、可塑性极大的学前儿童,他们不仅是儿童知识、智慧的启蒙者,更是儿童情感、意志、个性的塑造者。因此,人们就对幼儿园教师在知识、能力以及个性品质等方面提出更高的要求,因为这直接关系到儿童身心的健康成长。根据幼儿教育职业的特点以及学前儿童的年龄特征,我认为幼儿园教师应该具备以下几方面的心理品质。一、广泛的兴趣爱好,强烈的求知欲学前儿童有着强烈的好奇心,随着现代信息技术发展和各种儿童读物的普及,他们的知识面已远远超过其年龄界限。他们喜欢思考,有自己的见解,也有提不完的问题,渴望能得到成人的解答。教师是他们心目中最有威信,最有学问的人,自然成为他们经常提问的对象。教师有广泛的兴趣爱好、渊博的知识,才能深入浅出地回答孩子们提出的各种问题,在满足他们的求知欲的同时点燃智慧的火花。如果教师对孩子的问题一问三不知,不仅起不到“传道、授业、解惑”的作用,而且有损教师在孩子心目中的形象。所以,教师 Kindergarten teachers are educated naive, naive and malleable pre-school children, they are not only children’s knowledge, wisdom, enlightenment, but also children’s emotions, will, personality trainer. Therefore, people put forward higher requirements on kindergarten teachers in terms of knowledge, ability and personal qualities, which are directly related to the healthy growth of children’s physical and mental health. According to the characteristics of early childhood education and preschool children’s age characteristics, I think kindergarten teachers should have the following aspects of psychological quality. First, a wide range of hobbies, strong thirst for knowledge Pre-school children have a strong curiosity, with the development of modern information technology and the popularization of a variety of children’s books, their knowledge is far beyond the age limit. They like to think, have their own opinions, but also mention the problem, eager to get adult answers. Teachers are the most prestigious and learned people in their own eyes and naturally become the objects of their frequent questions. Teachers have a wide range of hobbies, profound knowledge, can explain profound theories in simple language to answer the various problems raised by children, to satisfy their thirst for knowledge at the same time igniting the spark of wisdom. If teachers do not know one another’s questions about their children, they will not only fail to fulfill the missionary precepts but also detract from the teacher’s image in the minds of their children. So, teacher
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