评论和评论写作讲座之五——第五章 评论工作者的基本素养(下)

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第三节处处留心皆学问我们在以“书到用时方恨少”为题的一节中,着重说的是从书本中学习,勤读书,多读书。在以“处处留心皆学问”的本节中,我们着重说的是从现实生活中学习,勤观察,多思考,做生活中的有心人。评论文章的重要特征,也是它的基本属性,就是针砭现实,干预生活。或歌颂真善美,或鞭挞假恶丑,或提倡什么,或反对什么,都必须依附现实生活,针对现实生活,而不能闭门造车,想当然。这就必须关注现实,研究现实。借用大家熟知的一句古话来说,就是“处处留心皆学问”。大家知道,猎人都有一双敏锐的眼睛和灵敏的嗅觉。他之所以能看到和发现一般人眼睛看不到、常人鼻子闻不到的猎物,这并不是由于他们天生有异于一般人的眼睛和鼻子,而是职业习惯养成的,或者说是训练出来的。评论工作者也要养成自己异于一般人的眼光和嗅觉,时刻用“我要写评论文章”的心态去观察生活,发现题材。在新闻界同行中有“新闻鼻”的说法,从事评论写作的人就得 The third quarter care about all learning We are in the “book to use less hate” as a section, focusing on learning from the book, diligently reading books, reading more books. In this section, “Learn Everywhere and Learn All”, we focus on learning from real life, observing, thinking and doing well in life. The important feature of the review article, but also its basic attributes, is to guide the reality and interfere in life. Or praising the true, the good and the beautiful, or whipping false or ugly, or advocating or opposing what must be attached to the real life, for real life, and can not be behind closed doors, of course. This must pay attention to reality, research reality. To borrow the well-known old saying goes: “Always be aware of everything.” We all know that hunters have a pair of sharp eyes and a sense of smell. The reason why he can see and find the prey that ordinary people can not see and can not smell by ordinary people is not because they are born different from the eyes and noses of ordinary people. Instead, they are cultivated by professional habits or training of. Comment workers should also develop their own vision and smell different from the average person, always with the “I want to write a review article” mentality to observe the life and discover the theme. There is a “news nose” among peers in the press, whoever reviews writing