Association of H.pylori infection with gastric carcinoma:a Meta analysis

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:birdinfly
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AIM:To follow the principles of evidence based medicine toreach the integrated results of these studies.METHODS:Twenty-one papers of caes-control studies wereselected,including 11 on gastric cancer,7 on precancerouslesion of stomach and 3 on lymphoma of stomach.Metaanalysis was used to sum up the odds ratios(OR)of thesestudies.RESULTS:H.pylorl vsgastric cancer(intestinal and diffusetype):the odds ratio from the fixed effect model is 3.0016(95% Cl:2.4197-3.7234,P<0.001).H.pylori vsprecancerous lesion of stomach:a random effect model wasused to calculate the summary odds ratio and its value is2.5635(95% Cl:1.8477-3.5566,P<0.01).H.pylori vslymphoma of stomach:though the quantity of literature istoo small to make Meta analysis,the data of these 3 studiesshow that lymphoma of stomach is highly associated withH.pylori infections.CoNCLUSION:Since it had been revealed that H.pyloriinfection pre-existo in gastric carcinoma and precancerouslesions,the results of Meta analysis present a strongevldenca to support the conclusion that H.pyiori infectionis a risk factor for gastric carcinoma. AIM: To follow the principles of evidence based medicine toreach the integrated results of these studies.METHODS: Twenty-one papers of caes-control studies were selected, including 11 on gastric cancer, 7 on precancerous diseases of stomach and 3 on lymphoma of stomach. Metaanalysis Was used to sum up the odds ratios(OR) of thesestudies.RESULTS: H.pylorl vsgastric cancer (intestinal and diffuse type): the odds ratio from the fixed effect model is 3.0016 (95% Cl:2.4197-3.7234, P<0.001) H.pylori vs precancerous lesion of stomach:a random effect model wasused to calculate the summary odds ratio and its value is2.5635(95% Cl:1.8477-3.5566,P<0.01).H.pylori vslymphoma of stomach:though the quantity Of literature isto small to make Meta analysis,the data of these 3 studiesShow that lymphoma of stomach is highly associated withH.pylori infections.CoNCLUSION:Since it had been revealed that H.pyloriinfection pre-existo in gastric carcinoma and precancerouslesions,the results of Meta analysis present a strongevl Denca to support the conclusion that H.pyiori infectionis a risk factor for gastric carcinoma.
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据贝鲁特《文学家》1979年12月号报道,黎巴嫩现代文学的先驱、著名诗人、散文作家和评论家布利斯·萨拉玛于1979年10月14日逝 According to Beirut’s “The Writer” in D