Regeneration of Carthamus tinctorius from Jimsar

来源 :Chinese Herbal Medicines | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaojian1990
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Objective To investigate the factors significantly affecting the shoot buds regeneration of Carthamus tinctorius from Jimsar(CTJ). Methods Through tissue culture experiments, the influences of culture temperature, illuminance, relative humidity, explants type, seedlings age, and plant growth regulators added in culture media on in vitro regeneration of CTJ were investigated. Results The culture temperature was set at 24 oC in daytime and 16 oC at night, illuminance at 9000 lx, and 60% relative humidity were suitable for CTJ regeneration. Cotyledons excised from 6-8 d old seedlings were more responsive than even-aged euphyll, hypocotyl, and root explants because of inducing adventitious buds. The highest percentage of regenerated shoots(79.1%) with about five adventitious buds per responding explant was obtained from MS basal medium containing 12.0 mg/L TDZ, 2.5 mg/L IBA, and 1.5 mg/L 2-ip(No. 14 medium). Regenerated shoot buds(80%) could elongate successfully after 1-2 weeks transferred to shoot elongation medium. Conclusion Suitable factors of shoot buds regeneration for CTJ were determined. It may also make a useful reference for regeneration researches of other C. tinctorius varieties in China. Objective To investigate the factors significantly affecting the shoot buds regeneration of Carthamus tinctorius from Jimsar (CTJ). The law of tissue culture experiments, the influences of culture temperature, illuminance, relative humidity, explants type, seedlings age, and plant growth regulators added in culture Results of the culture temperature was set at 24 oC in daytime and 16 oC at night, illuminance at 9000 lx, and 60% relative humidity were suitable for CTJ regeneration. Cotyledons excised from 6-8 d old seedlings were more responsive than even-aged euphyll, hypocotyl, and root explants because of inducing adventitious buds. The highest percentage of regenerated shoots (79.1%) with about five adventitious buds per responding explant was obtained from MS basal medium containing 12.0 mg / L of TDZ, 2.5 mg / L IBA, and 1.5 mg / L 2-ip (No. 14 medium). Regenerated shoot buds (80%) could elongate successfully after 1-2 weeks transferre Conclusion Suitable factors of shoot buds regeneration for CTJ were determined. It may also make a useful reference for regeneration researches of other C. tinctorius varieties in China.
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