Jiangsu Cuisine

来源 :中国经贸聚焦·英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kingofking1
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  The Jiangsu Cuisine is called Su Cuisine for short. It started from the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and the Tang and Song Dynasties. The developed economy drove the prosperity of food industry. Against that background, the Jiangsu Cuisine became of the two representative dishes in South China (the other one was the Zhejiang Cuisine). In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Jiangsu Cuisine spread from the Yangtze River to the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. Its proximity to the sea also helped its development.
  The Jiangsu Cuisine consists of Huaiyang Dish, Suxi Dish, Xuhai Dish and Jinling Dish. Generally speaking, it is known for its freshness, the sweetness hidden in the salty taste and the reliance on the original taste of the raw materials.
  Jiangsu, where the Su Cuisine was originated, is a place known for various kinds of agricultural products. Standing close to several waters, like the Taihu Lake and Yangtze River, it boasts many famous aquatic products, such as the sturgeon, Ciulia ectenes and catfish from Yangtze River, the silver fish from Taihu Lake and the mitten crab from Yangcheng Lake. There are a lot of other tasty materials from mountains, farmland and seas, including vegetables, duck, chicken and marine food.
  The Jiangsu Cuisine has many features: the wide use of a variety of materials which give priority to the fresh products from the river, lake and sea; the materials are carefully processed, like being cut into tiny but delicate pieces and being cooked in different methods; most dishes are made through simmering, stewing and steaming to bring the original flavor of food materials to full use; the dishes look elegant and refreshing and tastes mild and delicious.

  Jiangsu’s glorious tradition in food can date back to the ancient time when China was ruled by the three emperors. Peng Zu, the first famous cook in China, was good at cooking chickens for Emperor Yao. The emperor give Peng Zu a land, on which a city named Grand Peng State was built. This grand Peng State is now called Xuzhou. The fishes from Huai River was famed as of the Xia Dynasty as the emperors from Xia to Ming Dynasties all considered it delicious and required the tribute of these fishes. In the Shang Dynasty, the leek from the bank of Taihu Lake established its fame. In the Han Dynasty, Liu An, who was a duke governing a place of Jiangsu, invented the famous Toufu (bean curd). In addition, it is said that people in Jiangsu were the first ones that turned bamboo shoots and mushrooms into food in China and they also invented salted eggs and sauced succumbs. It is said that the imperial banquet combing Manchurian and Chinese delicacies was based on the menu of Jiangsu Cuisine with some Manchurian dishes.   As mentioned above, the Jiangsu Cuisine is divided into several subsections. All of them inherited the features of Jaingsu Cuisine, being delicate and fresh, but they also have their own characteristics.
  The Huaiyang Dish is the dominant subsection of the Jiangsu Cuisine. It is the main dish in Yangzhou, Huai’an, Zhenjiang, Yancheng, Taizhou and Nantong, covering a larger part of Jiangsu. The Huaiyang Dish combines the freshness, tenderness and crispness of the menu of South China with the saltiness, colors and denseness of the dishes of North China and forms its own sweet-salty flavor. Huaiyang Dish has the highest requirements for the cook’s skill of cutting food. For example, a cook specializing in Huaiyang Dish can cut a 2-cm-thick bean curd into 30 pieces of thin slices, each of which is as thick as man’s hair.
  The Suxi Dish mainly refers to the dishes favored in Suzhou and Wuxi. It is also very popular in Shanghai. Suxi Dish is similar to Huaiyang Dish in the taste and look, but there are of course differences. Its dishes based on crabs, shrimps and fishes are the best in the Jiangsu Cuisine and it is also known for its cakes and snacks. Cooks of Suxi Cuisines pays attention to the appearance of dishes and want their products to look good at least. The dishes with meat in Wuxi are known for being simmered for a long time with the meat as tender as the marshmallow but still retaining the flavor of meat.
  The Xuhai Dish tastes like the Shandong Cuisine because Xuzhou, the place of origin of this subsection. It is also influenced by the Huaiyang Dish, so sweet could also be tasted from that dish. The dish gives priority to the sauce, which could intensify the color and taste of the dish. Most of the dishes are made through simmering, roasting and frying.
  Jinling Dish is the food coming from Nanjing. It started from the Pre-Qin Period and reached its peak in the Tang Dynasty. The aquatic food takes a large part in this subsection. The materials are simmered and stewed to fully bring about the tenderness and freshness of original materials.
摘 要:语文模块教学是以“大语文”教育理念为指导,面对学校语文校本课程改革的空白,针对基础薄弱的就业班学生开设的专题课程。其是集文学理论知识、语文应用能力和社会生活实践为一体的语文模块课程体系。它真正打开了以文化为底蕴营造知识氛围,以能力为目标积淀文学素养,以灵活的方式创新课堂模式,以多元的信息激发学生兴趣的课堂局面,从而全面提高了学生的综合职业能力,使其成为高素质的劳动者。  关键词:模块教学
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