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现将财政部、国家税务总局《关于高校后勤社会化改革有关税收政策的通知》(财税字[2000]25号)转发给你们,请遵照执行。高等学校后勤社会化是高等教育领域的一项重大改革,直接关系到广大师生员工的切身利益,关系到高等教育的发展,必须加快推进。现在国家和省里有关加快高校后勤社会化改革的配套政策已经出台,希望各市、州政府和高等学校抓住机遇,狠抓落实,尽快建立起符合高等教育特点与需要的新型高等学校后勤保障体系,为促进高等教育事业发展作出新的贡献。 Now that the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation have forwarded to you the Circular on the Relevant Tax Policies on the Socialization of Logistics in Colleges and Universities (Cai Shui Zi [2000] No. 25), please follow the instructions. Socialization of logistics in colleges and universities is a major reform in the field of higher education. It has a direct bearing on the vital interests of the majority of teachers and students and the promotion of the development of higher education. At present, the supporting policies for accelerating the socialization reform of logistic service in colleges and universities have been promulgated in the country and the province, hoping that municipalities, state governments and colleges and universities will seize the opportunity and pay close attention to their implementation so as to establish a new logistic support system for higher education in line with the characteristics and needs of higher education as soon as possible , To make new contributions to promote the development of higher education.
今年2月初,德国下萨克森州希尔德斯海姆大学音乐学院尼科拉斯、丝坦弗妮及合肥师范学院音乐系专家,应省文联、省音乐家协会的邀请和推荐到寿县爱乐艺术学校观摩交流。 In ea
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
各位代表:我受国务院的委托,现在向大会提出1985年国家预算执行情况和1986年国家预算草案的报告,请予审查。 Distinguished Delegates, I am entrusted by the State Counc
1960年1月20日国务院全体会议第94次会议通过设立菏泽市,撤销菏泽县,以原菏泽县的行政区域为菏泽市的行政区域。 On January 20, 1960, the 94th meeting of the plenary s