西部大开发 档案当有为 西安市档案局提出为西部大开发服务八条举措

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2000年是西部大开发的起步之年。作为西北地区的中心城市,西安市的档案工作如何更好地为实施西部大开发战略服务,为西安经济大发展,实现西安历史发展的新跨越做出贡献,西安市档案局日前在《关于档案工作为西部大开发提供优质服务的意见》中就此提出八条举措: 第一,通过举办西部大开发专题报告会,档案工作为西部大开发服务学术研讨会、经验交流会,在《西安档案》杂志开辟专栏等形式,深入开展“西部大开发,档案部门怎么办”的大讨论,把全市档案工作者的思想和行动统一到党中央的重大决策上来。第二,编辑出版《民国时期开发西北档案史料汇编》等档案资料,为西部大开发提供借鉴与参考。第三,密切关注西部大开发中西安市各项开发项目的实施情况,监督指导有关部门和单位做好开发项目实施过程中档案的收集、整理和归档工作,确保开发项目档案的完整、准确与系统。第四,围绕高新技术产业和旅 Year 2000 is the first year for the development of the western region. As a central city in the northwest, Xi’an archives how to better serve the strategy of implementing the strategy for the development of the western region, contributing to the great economic development in Xi’an and the new leap in the historical development of Xi’an. Recently, Work in the Opinions on Providing Excellent Services for the Development of the Western Region “put forward eight measures in this regard: First, by holding special symposiums and archives work programs for the development of the western region on the symposium and experience exchange meeting for the great development of the western region, in” Xi’an Archives “magazine Open up special columns and other forms, conduct in-depth discussions on ”how to do the large-scale development of the western region and the archives department“, and unify the thinking and actions of archivists throughout the city with the major decisions of the Party Central Committee. Second, we edited and published the archival materials such as ”Compilation of Historical Materials of the Northwest Files During the Republic of China", which provided reference and references for the development of the western region. Thirdly, we should pay close attention to the implementation of various development projects in Xi’an in the course of developing the western region, supervise and direct relevant departments and units to collect, organize and file archives during the implementation of development projects so as to ensure that the archives of development projects are complete and accurate system. Fourth, focus on high-tech industries and brigades
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