狠抓落实 加强监管 推进建筑工程方案设计招标投标工作健康发展——王早生同志在《建筑工程方案设计招标投标管理办法》宣贯会上的总结

来源 :吉林勘察设计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gtrfanfan
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同志们:今天的会议开得很好,时间虽短,但内容具体、详实,针对性强,对加深大家对管理办法的理解和认识,促进各地完善设计招标投标管理工作一定会有帮助,会议达到了预期目的。下面,我从当前有关勘察设计市场监管的几项重点工作以及下一步如何贯彻实施好《管理办法》两个方面讲几点意见,供同志们参考。一、当前勘察设计市场监管的几项重点工作今年年初,我司对全年的建筑市场工作做了部署和安排,并下发了《建筑市场司2008年工作要点》。借此机会,我把涉及勘察设计管理方面的几项工作向大家作个介绍,便于下一步工作的贯彻落实。近期,我们除重 Comrades: Today’s meeting is open very well and the time is short. However, the contents are specific, detailed and targeted. It is surely helpful to deepen the understanding and understanding of management approaches and to promote the improvement of design, bidding and bid management in various places. The meeting Achieved the intended purpose. Next, I will comment on several key aspects of the regulatory investigation and design market and how to implement the “Administrative Measures” in the next step for your reference. First, the current survey and design market supervision of several key tasks Earlier this year, Division I on the construction of the market throughout the year to do the deployment and arrangements, and issued a “Building Market Division in 2008 points.” I would like to take this opportunity to introduce to you some of the work involved in survey and design management so as to facilitate the implementation of the next step. Recently, we have divided
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1 概述 苏钢特钢工程设计年生产能力为50万t钢水,47.4万t连铸坯。目标产品有中高碳钢、低合金钢、弹簧钢、合金结构钢、轴承钢、汽车用钢及钢管钢等。主要设备是从德马克公