
来源 :西安体育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lilunallen
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在建设服务型政府的行政管理体制改革时代背景下,建构服务型体育管理体制,是进一步深化体育改革,保障体育公共服务均等化,推动体育事业整体科学健康发展,实现体育强国目标的制度基础。建构服务型体育管理体制,必须坚持以人为本、为民服务的基本价值取向,不断深化体育行政管理体制改革,壮大体育社会中介组织和公民个体组织,形成多元主体和谐共生的管理格局;积极转变运行机制,实现政府机制、社会机制、市场机制协调运行;以公平正义的法制化约束机制为保障,充分发挥政府服务职能,确保利益共享。 Constructing a service-oriented sports management system under the background of building a service-oriented government in the administrative management system reform is the institutional basis for further deepening the reform of sports, ensuring the equalization of sports public services, promoting the overall scientific and healthy development of sports and realizing the goal of strengthening China through sports. Constructing a service-oriented sports management system must adhere to the basic values ​​of serving people and serving the people, deepen the reform of the sports administration system, expand the social organizations of sports and civic organizations, and form a harmonious management pattern in which multiple subjects live in harmony. Active transformation of the operational mechanism So as to ensure the coordinated operation of government mechanism, social mechanism and market mechanism. With the legal and restrictive mechanism of fairness and justice as the guarantee, we should give full play to government service functions and ensure the sharing of benefits.
摘 要:针对我校能源与动力工程专业卓业工程师培养的实际情况,剖析了卓越计划实施过程中存在的问题并提出了与之相应的进出机制等改进措施,论述了进出机制在卓越工程师培养中
采用自制填充焊丝多道次MIG焊接8 mm厚铝镁合金板材,运用金相、扫描、X射线衍射以及电子背散射衍射(EBSD)等观测分析手段对焊接接头进行了微观组织分析。结果表明,焊缝区为典