关注地级政府门户网站20强(一) 探访“市长信箱”(1)

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2005年3月8日,赛迪顾问公司公布了《2004年中国政府网站绩效评估报告》。其中,对76个部委网站、31个省级政府网站、333 个地级政府网站以及414个抽样县级政府网站的绩效做了排名。“市长信箱”是政府门户网站与公众互动的重要组成部分。为了亲身体验“市长信箱”的“绩效”,4月5日,本刊记者对排名前20 位的地级政府门户网站(并列第20名的珠海市未列入)中的“市长信箱”做了一次探访:拟定了一份针对20位市长的简单的采访提纲,并于当日通过相应的“市长信箱”发出。记者希望通过这种方式, 了解各相关“市长信箱”在政府门户网站中的位置、打开速度、信件发送过程特别是反馈速度——记者在信中注明,希望4月8日之前能得到“回复”(而不是关于采访的“答复”)——以便从一个侧面体验其“绩效”。 4月15日,经过整整8个工作目的“超时等待”,记者结束了此次探访。 March 8, 2005, CCID Consulting announced the “2004 China Government Website Performance Evaluation Report.” Among them, the performance of 76 ministerial websites, 31 provincial government websites, 333 prefectural government websites and 414 sampling county government websites was ranked. “Mayor Mailbox” is an important part of government portal interaction with the public. In order to personally experience the “performance” of the “Mayor's Mailbox,” April 5, our correspondents reported “Mayor's Mailbox” in the top 20 prefectural government portals (ranked 20th in Zhuhai not included) “Made a visit: a simple outline of the interview for the 20 mayors was drawn up and sent out on the same day by the” Mayor's Mailbox. “ In this way, journalists hope to find out the location of all relevant ”mayor mailboxes“ in government portals, speed up the process of mail sending, and in particular feedback speed. The reporter indicated in the letter that he hoped to receive it before April 8 ”Reply“ (not ”reply“ to the interview) - in order to experience its ”performance“ from one side. On April 15, after a total of eight work-days of ”overtime waiting", the reporter concluded the visit.
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