
来源 :理论导刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:panxihuanhe
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在新一轮科技革命与产业变革背景下,日益个性化的消费需求直接对产业升级提出了明确需求,即从大规模标准化生产向个性化定制模式转型。基于对定制模式内涵、类型、演化与实现路径等内容的文献研究,文章认为,定制模式的兴起与演化是技术升级推动与需求升级拉动的共同结果,国内企业必须深度应用信息通信技术,打通企业从研发到售后全产业链的信息通道,完成与个性化消费需求的无缝对接,才能顺利实现向定制模式的转型。 Under the background of a new round of technological revolution and industrial change, increasingly individualized consumer demand has set forth a clear demand for industrial upgrading directly, that is, from a large-scale standardization production to a personalized customization model. Based on the literature review on the connotation, type, evolution and implementation route of customization model, the author believes that the rise and evolution of customization model is the common result of the promotion of technology upgrade and the upgrading of demand. Domestic enterprises must make deep application of information and communication technology and get through enterprises From research and development to the after-sales information chain of the whole industry chain, to complete seamlessly with personalized consumer needs in order to successfully transition to a customized model.
【正】 一、人口科学文化素质与生态环境的关系 (一)理论探讨 在人口与生态环境关系问题的研究中,目前学术界一般较侧重于人口数量方面,即讨论由于出生、死亡及迁移等因素的
强调学生德、智、体、劳诸方面发展的同时 ,要针对性开发出学生的创新智能、培养出自我意识、自我探究和创新能力 ,从而掌握劳动致富的本领 ,适应社会发展的需要