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1天蓝色的旅游中巴沿着平坦的柏油马路缓慢前行,浓雾如同延续下来的夜梦密密匝匝地包绕着汽车。顾小娥坐在靠窗户的位置上,隔着窗玻璃向外看去,除了一团又一团浓烈的白色,看不到任何东西。凌晨5点,顾小娥就坐上这辆中巴,浓雾似乎随着车门的关闭一下子从地底升腾而起,最初还能够看到淄博长途汽车站的站务员,马路上拥挤的车流,卖食品的小商贩,稀稀拉拉的行人,接下来就什么看不到了,目力所及之处只剩下一团一团的白色。不过,顾小娥能够确定汽车在开动,从司机不断活动的手、脚以及摇晃的身体能够判断出,汽车在开动。可是它显然一直在市里转悠,从5点到现在,顾小娥看了一下手表,早晨7:35分,两个半小时过去,汽车仍然没有到达高速公路入口。 1 sky blue travel CMB along the smooth asphalt road slowly forward, dense fog as the continuation of the night dream intimately wrapped around the car. Gu Xiao’e sitting on the position by the window, looked out through the window glass, in addition to a mass of thick white, and can not see anything. At 5:00 am, Gu Xiaoe took this CMB. It seems that with the closing of the door, the fog seems to rise from the bottom of the ground. At the beginning, he could also see the station attendant at Zibo Bus Station, crowded traffic on the road, Small traders, sparse pedestrians, then what can not see, the eyesight where only a white ball. However, Gu Xiaoe can determine the car is running, from the driver’s hands, feet and shaking body can be judged that the car is starting. But apparently it has been wandering in the city, from 5 o’clock to now, Gu Xiaole watched the watch, 7:35 am, two and a half hours later, the car still did not reach the highway entrance.
为寻找取代基效应与吡啶电子结构的关系,以吡啶钅翁—水复合体为模型,应用从头算6-31G*基函数计算了43个包括邻、间、对位三组吡啶钅翁化合物的电子结构. 结果得到:(1)取代基与吡
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前不久读过一则赞“青虾喂鳖”的报道,读过之后有一些质疑,想提出来探讨。 这篇报道的大意是这样的:浙北杭嘉湖平原上的德清县,从几年前开始,迫于种粮的低效,在粮田中筑围蓄水,放养
2002年9月l日至10月31日,还剩下整整两个月(61天)的时间,第三届中国金鹰电视艺术节就要开幕了,金 From September 1 to October 31, 2002, a full two months (61 days) remai
徐波:湖北荆州人,1981年出生2008年武汉理工大学艺术设计学院研究生毕业 Xu Bo: born in 1981 in Jingzhou, Hubei Province, China 2008 Graduated from Wuhan University