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随着我国社会主义经济市场的不断推进,我国的医疗卫生事业的也处在不断的改革和发展中,不断朝着市场化的方向发展,在一定程度上提高了医院的运行效率和组织规范,与此同时经济市场复杂的环境和诸多因素也给医院的经营带来了巨大的风险。所以,新医改下,医院要充分的借助这个时机,不断加强医院财务部门的管理工作,制定科学、合理、有效的发展目标,按照目标有计划的完成医院财务部门的管理工作,从而促进医院的可持续发展。本文首先分析了新医改背景下医院财务部门的短、中、长期管理目标,在此基础上总结了实现医院财务部门管理目标的具体途经,希望可以对当前医院的财务管理工作提供参考。 With the continuous promotion of China’s socialist economic market, China’s medical and health undertakings are also in constant reform and development, and continue to move in the direction of marketization, to a certain extent, improve the hospital’s operational efficiency and organizational norms, In the meantime, the complex environment of the economic market and many other factors also pose a huge risk to the operation of the hospital. Therefore, the new medical reform, the hospital should take full advantage of this opportunity to continuously strengthen the management of the hospital’s financial sector to develop a scientific, rational and effective development goals, in accordance with the goal of a planned completion of the hospital’s financial sector management, thereby promoting the hospital sustainable development. This article first analyzes the short, medium and long term management objectives of the hospital finance department under the background of new medical reform, and then summarizes the specific ways to achieve the hospital’s financial department management objectives. It hopes to provide a reference for the current hospital’s financial management.
Soon after coming to power in 2017,U.S. President Donald Trump unveiled his new strategy in Afghanistan and South Asia, hoping to change the passive U.S.status
1月8日上午,中共中央、国务院在北京隆重举行国家科学技术奖励大会。党和国家领导人习近平、李克强、刘云山、张高丽出席大会并向获得国家自然科学奖、国家技术发明奖、国家科学技术进步奖和中华人民共和国国际科学技术合作奖的代表颁奖。李克强在大会上发表讲话。  本次国家科技奖励工作以“提高质量、减少数量、优化结构、规范程序”为重点,经过严格评审,今年的国家科学技术奖共授予295个项目。在获奖项目中,由中国纺织
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Nicholas Platt, U.S. diplomat and President Emeritus of the Asia Society, can't remember how many times he has been to China. He thinks it's got to be more than
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