
来源 :长江流域资源与环境 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinnsey
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血吸虫病医学地理学与血吸虫病空间流行病学研究涉及到大量与血吸虫及其寄生宿主有关的生态环境知识与参数,这些方面为从地理学角度解释过去由实践经验和调查总结得到的中国血吸虫病疫区分类提供了丰富的信息。参阅了大量有关方面的研究成果,系统分析总结了血吸虫生活史中与生态环境关系密切的虫卵、毛蚴、尾蚴阶段和寄生宿主钉螺、哺乳动物的生态特点与流行机理。结果认为:生态环境条件能同时满足血吸虫及其寄生宿主的生态要求是血吸虫病流行传播的基本条件,血吸虫生活史的大部分时间都在终宿主哺乳动物和中间宿主钉螺体内度过,钉螺生态条件的苛刻性是血吸虫病流行传播空间分异的主要原因,钉螺的空间分异规律与特征成为血吸虫病疫区类型的划分的主要依据。最后从地理学角度分析了钉螺孳生地有关地理环境因子(植被、土壤、地貌、高程、水文、水力因子)之间的相互关系。结论是:大的地貌类型决定了不同的水文条件,从而形成不同的钉螺空间分布格局,结果产生了不同的血吸虫病易感地带分布特点,最终决定了血吸虫病疫区的类型,与中国卫生部地方病防治司的分类结果一致。 Schistosomiasis Medical Geography and Schistosomiasis Spatial Epidemiology Research involves a large number of ecological environment related knowledge and parameters related to schistosomes and their parasitic hosts. These aspects are used to explain from the geographical point of view the past Chinese schistosomiasis epidemic results obtained from practical experience and investigation Discrimination provides a wealth of information. A large number of related research findings were consulted, and the ecological characteristics and epidemiology of eggs, miracidia, cercariae and snails of mammals were analyzed and summarized in the life history of schistosomes. The results showed that: the ecological environment conditions can meet the ecological requirements of schistosomiasis and its parasitic host at the same time is the basic condition for the spread of schistosomiasis, most of the time of the life cycle of schistosomes in the final host mammals and intermediate host snail spirometry in vivo, snail ecological conditions The harshness is the main reason for the spatial distribution of schistosomiasis prevalence. The rules and characteristics of the snail schistosomiasis have become the main basis for the classification of schistosomiasis endemic diseases. Finally, the relationship between geo-environmental factors (vegetation, soil, topography, elevation, hydrology, hydraulic factors) of snail breeding sites was analyzed from the perspective of geography. The conclusion is that large types of topography determine different hydrological conditions and form different snail spatial distribution patterns, resulting in different schistosomiasis susceptible belts distribution characteristics, and ultimately determine the type of schistosomiasis endemic areas, and the Chinese Ministry of Health endemic Prevention Division classification results.
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