八百里秦川沃野 十五载创新盛事——宝鸡高新区成立15周年巡礼

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这里是八百里秦川最西端,是古丝绸之路的必经之地;这里是华夏始祖炎帝的故里,是周秦王朝的发祥地;这里是佛骨舍利出土的地方,是佛、儒、道三家文化的汇集地;……千百年来,其丰厚的文化底蕴造就了这里的辉煌。然而随着社会转型进程的加速,这里的经济社会发展曾一度失去了应有的亮点。近年来,宝鸡人奋起直追,创造了一个又一个奇迹,先后成为全国综合实力百强城市、国家环保模范城市、国家卫生城市、国家园林城市、中国优秀旅游城市、中国品牌经济城市和全国精神文明建设先进城市。离开两年整,当记者再次来到宝鸡采访时,不禁惊叹这座西部工业重镇的雄起。用雄起这个词毫不夸张,因为经过15年的辛勤耕耘、艰苦创业,宝鸡人以自己的智慧,打造出一片配套设施完善、环境优美、科技企业聚集的新经济增长极——宝鸡高新区。亲见宝鸡高新区,较之国外科技园区有过之无不及:沿着高新区文理学院往西,昔日的渭河滩地的荒芜已经不见踪影,取而代之的是渭河生态公园的如火如荼建设,厂房鳞栉次比的竖立在高新大道两旁,28层的高新大厦成为这个城市的标志性建筑……一座现代化生态园林新城区已见端倪。时隔数年,我们不得不说:宝鸡高新区的变化让人刮目相看。或许数字更能说明事实背后的真相:宝鸡高新区2007年实现经营总收入突破400亿元、生产总值(GDP)130亿元、工业总产值390亿元、财税总收入5亿元,分别是2002年的6.5倍、4.8倍、6.2倍和15.2倍,已成为陕西乃至西部地区经济发展最快的区域之一。15年的光阴荏苒,在八百里秦川沃野之上,宝鸡高新区,不仅闪烁着中华原始文明的奇光异彩,传承着炎帝所具有的敢为人先的实践精神,更值得一提的是,以产业集群带动自主创新的科技硕果为宝鸡高新区15年的发展写下了熠熠生辉的一页。什么原因促使这块古老而年轻的土地上,竟有如此天翻地覆的变化,带着思考,记者来到了这座陈仓之城,一探究竟。 Here is the westernmost eight hundred miles Qinchuan, the ancient Silk Road must pass through; here is the hometown of Yan ancestor of ChineseActasia, is the birthplace of the Zhou Qin dynasty; Here is the place where the relics of Buddha, relics, Buddhism, Confucianism, Road, the convergence of three cultures; ...... For thousands of years, its rich cultural heritage has created a brilliant here. However, with the acceleration of the process of social transformation, the economic and social development here once has lost its due bright spot. In recent years, Baoji has been catching up and created miracles one after another. It has become one of the top 100 comprehensive cities of national strength, national environmental protection model city, national health city, national garden city, China Excellent Tourism City, China's brand-name economic city and the national spirit Civilized construction of advanced cities. After leaving for two years, reporters came to Baoji once again to marvel at the rise of this industrial city in western China. The word Xiongqi is no exaggeration because after 15 years of hard work and arduous pioneering, Baoji people use their wisdom to create a new economic growth pole with perfect facilities, beautiful environment and science and technology enterprises - Baoji High-tech Zone . See Baoji High-tech Zone, compared to foreign science and technology parks are worse than: along the High-tech Zone, Faculty of Arts and Sciences West, the past Weihe beach barren disappeared, replaced by the Weihe Ecological Park in full swing, Than the high-tech Avenue erected on both sides of the 28-story high-tech buildings become the city's landmark architecture ... ... A modern ecological garden new town has been clues. A few years later, we have to say: changes in Baoji High-tech Zone impressive. Perhaps the figure can better explain the truth behind the fact: In 2007, Baoji High-tech Zone achieved a total operating income of 40 billion yuan, a GDP of 13.0 billion yuan, a total industrial output value of 39.0 billion yuan and a total income tax revenue of 500 million yuan 6.5 times, 4.8 times, 6.2 times and 15.2 times that of 2002. It has become one of the fastest growing regions in Shaanxi and even the western region. 15 years of time flies, in eight hundred miles Qinchuan fertile land, Baoji High-tech Zone, not only flashing the Chinese civilization of the singular, splendid Yandi has pioneered the practical spirit, it is worth mentioning that , The scientific and technological achievements driven by independent innovation by industrial clusters have written a brilliant page for the development of Baoji High-tech Zone for 15 years. What prompted the ancient and young land so unexpectedly so much change, with reflection, the reporter came to this city of Chencang, find out.
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