New Methods of Determining the Mixed Mode Stress Intensity Factors for V-Shaped Notch

来源 :上海交通大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tcliany
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In this paper, on the basis of the stress field given by D.H.Chen, three new photoelastic methods are developed for determining the stress intensity factors K1 and K2 of V-shaped notch. Some photoelastic experiments are performed on a skew -symmetric 45° notch. Measurements of the coordinates components of r,θand fringe order N are made for progressively smaller fringes and used in the proposed methods to solve K1 and K2.Plots of apparent K vs. r/l are made and extrapolated to the notch tip to yield the true values of K1 and K2.The results obtained by the three methods are very close to each other. When the notch problem is simplified as a crack problem, the corresponding equation is identical to the one proposed by D.G. Smith, which shows that the proposed methods are applicable for both notch and crack problems.
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