R/S Analysis and its Application in the Forecast of Mine Inflows

来源 :Journal of China University of Mining & Technology(English E | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ming20080904
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In this paper, the status quo and modeling principles of R/S analysis of non-linear theory are introduced and reviewed. Given the hydro-geological conditions of the Wutongzhuang coal mine, Hurst exponents of mine inflow for the main shaft, venti- lating shaft and auxiliary shaft were obtained using R/S analysis, which are 0.772 0, 0.824 7 and 0.905 1 respectively. Since all of the three Hurst exponents are larger than 0.5, it can be concluded that the trend of mine inflow are a long-term as well as persistent problem. Based on the level of duration, the shafts can be listed in decreasing order as the auxiliary shaft, the ventilation shaft and the main shaft, which appears identical with the actual situation of the mine inflow. With R/S analysis, a new method for long-term forecasting of mine inflows is provided. In this paper, the status quo and modeling principles of R / S analysis of non-linear theory are introduced and reviewed. Given the hydro-geological conditions of the Wutongzhuang coal mine, Hurst exponents of mine inflow for the main shaft, ventilater shaft and auxiliary shaft were obtained using R / S analysis, which are 0.772 0, 0.824 7 and 0.905 1 respectively. Since all of the three Hurst exponents are larger than 0.5, it can be concluded that the trend of mine inflow are a long- Based on the level of duration, the shafts can be listed in decreasing order as the auxiliary shaft, the ventilation shaft and the main shaft, which appears identical with the actual situation of the mine inflow. With R / S analysis, a new method for long-term forecasting of mine inflows is provided.
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