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@朋友四人去看电影。买票时告诉售票员:“我们要四张一排的!”找座位时一看,四个人是竖着一排的选售票员同志太顽皮了。@看电影时,剧情来回穿插叙述,看得有点儿摸不着头脑。最后,一位东北大哥终于忍不住喷怒了,大喊了声:“放错片了,咋没人吱声呢?”@和朋友去看电影《致青春》,看到戏里的女生去见前男友时被车撞了,电影院里瞬间很安静。只听见前面座位的男孩对旁边的女友说:“看见没?这就是找前男友的下场。” @ Four friends to see the movie. Told the conductor to buy tickets: “We want four rows!” Look for a seat, four people are a row of the conductor of the election was comrades too naughty. @ When watching movies, the story back and forth interspersed with narrative, see a little puzzled. Finally, a Northeast Brother finally could not help but angry, shouted: “put the wrong piece, why no one say it?” @ And friends to see the movie “To youth”, see the play When the girl was hit by a car when she saw her ex-boyfriend, the movie theater was very quiet. Only to hear the boy in front of the seat next to his girlfriend, said: “See no? This is to find the ex-boyfriend’s end. ”
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Expectations were high when the European Commission started negotiating the statute for a European Company in the early 1970s of the last century.~①The ambitio
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