
来源 :新疆林业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangluyuan
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南岔林业局是一个开发三十多年的老局。多年来,我局随着贯彻“以营林为基础”的林业建设方针的不断深入发展,从生产经营活动的需要出发,于一九八○年在原有森林档案的基础上,建立健全了森林经营档案。森林经营档案的建立,不仅使我们能够及时、完整、准确地掌握各基层场(所)林分的质与量的变化动态,同时还能使我们对组成森林经营总过程的各个发展阶段的特征及其活动效果做出历史性的考察与评价,通过四年来的经营档案管理实践,使我们深深体会到,逐步完善和加强了我局的资源管理工作,系统和强化了经营档案工作,使森林经营档案初步起到了服务生产、管理生产的积极作用。林业企业建立健全森林经营档案,对保护森林,发展林业,利用林区资源优势,发挥多种经济效益有着重要的指导意义,是现阶段加强企业素质,提高企业经营管理水平的一项重要技术管理措施。 Nancha Forestry Bureau is an old bureau that has developed over thirty years. Over the years, with the continuous development of the forestry construction principle of “based on silviculture”, our bureau set out from the needs of production and management activities and established and perfected the forest on the basis of the original forest archives in 1980 Operating files. The establishment of forest management archives not only enables us to grasp the dynamic changes of the quality and quantity of the stands at the grassroots sites in a timely, complete and accurate manner, but also enables us to understand the characteristics of the various stages of development that make up the overall forest management process And its activities to make a historic inspection and evaluation of the operation of the file through four years of management practices, so that we deeply understand that the gradual improvement and strengthening of our Bureau of resource management, systematic and strengthened the management of archives, so that The forest management file has initially played an active role in service production and management of production. Establishing and perfecting the forest management archives of forestry enterprises has important guiding significance for the protection of forests, forestry development, utilization of forest resources, and diversification of economic benefits. It is an important technical management to enhance the quality of enterprises and improve the management level of enterprises at this stage Measures.
软骨组织工程是组织工程研究领域开展最早,发展最快的学科领域之一,但软骨组织构建的种子细胞来源有限,软骨细胞体外培养扩增困难且极易 Cartilage tissue engineering is o