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There are no escaping stains. Whatever you do, wherever you go, the risks for accidental staining are many. They are as many, in fact, as the different types of stains obtainable.But that doesn’t mean you should cry over spilt milk. Act quickly and correctly. Here’s a specially selected list to help you do just that! 污迹是不可避免的。无论做何事或到何处,你随时都有可能沾染到多种不同的污迹。在这种情况下,后悔于事无补,你应该迅速采取正确的行动。下列是一些特别的妙方,能协助你消除各种污迹。 There are no escaping stains. Whatever you do, wherever you go, the risks for accidental staining are many. They are as many, in fact, as the different types of stains obtainable.But that doesn’t mean you should cry over spilt milk . Act quickly and correctly. Here’s a specially selected list to help you do just that! Smear is inevitable. No matter what you do or where you go, you may be exposed to many different stains at any time. In this case, regretting doesn’t help, you should take corrective action quickly. The following are some special tips that can help you eliminate all kinds of smudges.
近年来,随着农村道路建设步伐的加快和国家“村村通公路”工程的实施,使很多农村通上了柏油路,农民出行条件大为改善。然而,由于配套设施建设不到位,基础条件差,农民交通事故意识淡薄,一些农村地区“裸路”普遍,交通事故频发,事故率明显上升。具体表现在以下几方面:  1.农用机动车辆逐年增多,农民出行的交通工具从自行车逐步过渡为电动车、摩托车以及农用三轮或汽车,甚至普及到所有家庭。由于这些机动车在农村道路行
看病(Seeing thedoctor)是英语中的重要交际项目之一。有关看病的常用语较多,为了帮助同学们既能用英语表达出自己的病情和感受,又能听懂医生的询问和医嘱,我们把初中阶段所
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