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BALB/C 小鼠腹腔经硅胶或液体石蜡处理后,接种分泌抗胎儿甲种球蛋白的单克隆抗体杂交瘤株(10~7细胞).接种后24h 开始向腹腔注射8μci~3H—亮氨酸溶液,每日1次,共5次.接种后第7d 处死小鼠.取腹水、肝、脾和脑组织.腹水经离心后分离为腹腔细胞和上清.上清经DEAE—纤维素离子交换层析分离为单克隆抗体和其他组分.各组织、单克隆抗体及其他组分经适当处理后用液体闪烁仪检测其放射性.结果发现,各组织(细胞)中以杂交瘤细胞(占腹腔细胞的78.5%)的比放射性最高,层析所分离出的蛋白质组分中以单克隆抗体的比放射性最高. BALB/C mice were treated with silica gel or liquid paraffin in the peritoneal cavity and were inoculated with a monoclonal antibody hybridoma strain (10~7 cells) secreting anti-fetal gamma globulin. Intraperitoneal injection of 8μci~3H-leucine was started 24 h after inoculation. Solution, once daily, 5 times in total. Mice were sacrificed 7 days after inoculation. Ascites fluid, liver, spleen, and brain tissue were collected. Ascites fluid was separated by centrifugation into peritoneal cells and supernatant. The supernatant was deacetylated by DEAE-cellulose. The chromatographic separation was performed on monoclonal antibodies and other components. Each tissue, monoclonal antibody, and other components were treated appropriately and detected for radioactivity using a liquid scintillation counter. The results showed that hybridoma cells (occurring in the abdominal cavity) were present in each tissue (cell). The specific radioactivity of 78.5% of the cells was the highest, and the specific radioactivity of monoclonal antibody was the highest among the protein fractions separated by chromatography.
盔甲状皮肤转移癌较少见,笔者遇见1例乳腺癌根治术后3年发生者,现报告如下。患者女,62岁。右乳腺癌术后4年,胸部浸润性斑块1年于1991年5月初诊。4年前因右侧乳房肿块,在 Ar
肝母细胞瘤多见于婴幼儿,成人罕见,治疗以手术为主。本文报告9例肝母细胞瘤及其外科治疗。资料与方法一、一般资料:本组9例。成人6例,男4 Hepatoblastoma is more common i
本实验用抗癌药氧化勒■碱(Oxyavicine)和双稠吡咯啶生物碱(Pyrrolizidine alkaloids)作用于肺癌A_(549)细胞后,观察了肺癌A_(549)细胞银染核仁形成区(Ag—stained Nucleolar
本文表面上皮肠上皮化生的组织发生说,尚有争议,欢迎撰文共同探讨。 The organization of epithelial metaplasia on the epithelial surface of this article is still con