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日前,世界农化网经过大量调查、收集、整理发布了2012年全球农药销售20强、印度农药销售20强和中国农药销售20强业内专家为此撰文,希望通过中外农药销售20强的对比分析,能够帮助我们找到差距,给自己正确的定位,制订合理的发展战略,争取更辉煌的未来…… Recently, the World Agro-Chemical Network through a large number of investigations, collection, collation released in 2012 the world’s top 20 sales of pesticides, pesticide sales in India 20 and China’s top 20 pesticide sales industry experts wrote, I hope that through the comparative analysis of 20 pesticide sales between China and foreign countries , Can help us find the gap, give ourselves the correct orientation, formulate a reasonable development strategy and strive for a more brilliant future ......
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患者女,32岁,诊断为胆囊炎,于2000年元月2日入院治疗,入院前在门诊给予口服头孢氨苄及诺 氟沙星(氟哌酸)治疗3天,未出现任何不良反应,但症状无明显缓解而入院。入院后遵医嘱