Rock mass structure analysis based on seismic velocity and attenuation images

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dna_cc
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Seismic traveltime, amplitude and pulse-width can be used to reconstruct seismic velocity and attenuation coefficient images for a rock mass. This study discusses the appearance differences of velocity and attenuation coefficient in the ore vein and rock mass in the images. The location of the rock vein and the characteristic of the rock mass are discussed according to the difference responses of velocity and attenuation from the ore vein and mixed rock vein, fracture and rock body. The effect and limitation of the seismic tomography method for investigating ore body and rock mass is suggested on the basis of a field test result. The special observation method in this study gives a good reference for obtaining full position and directional observation in seismic tomography. Seismic traveltime, amplitude and pulse-width can be used to reconstruct seismic velocity and attenuation coefficient images for a rock mass. This study discusses the appearance differences of velocity and attenuation coefficient in the ore vein and rock mass in the images. The location of the rock vein and the characteristic of the rock mass are discussed according to the difference responses of velocity and attenuation from the ore vein and mixed rock vein, fracture and rock body. The effect and limitation of the seismic tomography method for investigating ore body and rock mass The special observation method in this study gives a good reference for obtaining full position and directional observation in seismic tomography.
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