Study on the critical submergence of surface vortices and the design of anti-vortex intakes

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yjq360124
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Surface vortex behavior in front of the tunnel intake was investigated in this paper.The critical submergence of vortex was discussed based on the concept of ’critical spherical sink surface’(CSSS).The vortex formation and evolution at the tunnel intake were analyzed based on the theory of CSSS considering the effect of circulation.A theory was proposed to explain the surface vortex.The theoretical development was verified by the physical model experiments of Xiluodu hydropower station.The radial velocity and vortex circulation were considered as the main factors that influence the formation and evolution of surface vortex.Finally,an anti-vortex intake configuration was proposed to weaken the air-core vortex in front of the tunnel intakes of the hydraulic structures. Surface vortex behavior in front of the tunnel intake was investigated in this paper. Critical critical integration of vortex was discussed based on the concept of ’critical spherical surface (CSSS). The vortex formation and evolution at the tunnel intake were analyzed based on the theory of CSSS considering the effect of circulation. A theory was proposed to explain the surface vortex. The theoretical development was verified by the physical model experiments of Xiluodu hydropower station. The radial velocity and vortex circulation were considered as the main factors that influence the formation and evolution of surface vortex. Finally, an anti-vortex intake configuration was proposed to weaken the air-core vortex in front of the tunnel intakes of the hydraulic structures.
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粤北始兴县的轿子 ,一般分为“花轿”和“侍轿”两大类。侍轿 ,当地人又习惯地称它“蓬哩轿”。它制作比较简单 ,一般用竹或木搭个架子 ,上面再盖上一层布 ,既能遮阴又能避雨
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由中国社会科学院、中国科学院、中国文联、中国人民对外友好协会、国家文物局等单位共同举办的“郭沫若于立群书法展”于 2 0 0 2年 10月 31日— 11月 2 4日在中国革命博物