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目的探讨1996-2015年贵州省黔南州结直肠癌发病趋势,为科学地制定防治决策提供参考依据。方法采用贵州省黔南州1996-2015年癌症发病登记数据库资料,对结直肠癌作性别、年龄进行分析,计算指标包括粗发病率、中国人口标化率、世界人口标化率、35~65岁截缩率、0~75岁累积率、累积风险率、变化百分比及年均变化百分比等。结果 1996-2015年贵州省黔南州结直肠癌发病3 445例(男性1 670例,女性1 775例),平均粗发病率为18.59/10万(男性18.93/10万,女性18.25/10万)。结直肠癌病例数占贵州省黔南州全部癌症发病数的6.57%,居贵州省黔南州癌症发病的第4位。中国人口标化发病率6.59/10万,世界人口标化发病率10.54/10万,35~65岁截缩发病率为15.21/10万,0~75岁累积发病率为1.26%,结直肠癌发病的累积风险率为1.25%。20年中粗发病率、中国人口标化发病率、世界人口标化发病率的变化百分比分别为381.64%、68.47%和90.37%,年均变化百分比分别为4.25%、1.39%、1.59%。各时期结直肠癌发病率显示,40~44岁以上各年龄段发病率有明显上升趋势,≥85岁以后有所回落。男性和女性各年龄段结直肠癌发病率上升趋势基本一致,但男性上升幅度高于女性。结论贵州省黔南州20年来结直肠癌发病率有明显上升趋势,应引起高度重视。 Objective To investigate the incidence of colorectal cancer in Qiannan Prefecture of Guizhou Province from 1996 to 2015, and to provide a reference for the scientific decision-making of prevention and treatment. Methods According to the database of Cancer Registry of Cancer from 1996 to 2015 in Qiannan Prefecture of Guizhou Province, the gender and age of colorectal cancer were analyzed. The indicators included crude incidence rate, population standardization rate in China, world population standardization rate, 35-65 Annual contraction rate, cumulative rate of 0 to 75 years, cumulative risk rate, percentage change and average annual percentage change. Results There were 3 445 cases of colorectal cancer (1 670 males and 1 775 females) in Qiannan prefecture from 1996 to 2015. The average incidence of colorectal cancer was 18.59 / 100 000 (18.93 per 100 000 males and 18.25 per 100 000 females ). The number of colorectal cancer accounted for 6.57% of all cancers in Qiannan Prefecture in Guizhou Province, ranking No. 4 in cancer in Qiannan Prefecture of Guizhou Province. The population incidence rate of Chinese population is 6.59 / 100000, the world population standardized rate is 10.54 / 100000, the incidence of truncation between 35-65 years old is 15.21 / 100000, the cumulative incidence of 0-75 years old is 1.26%, colorectal cancer The cumulative risk of morbidity is 1.25%. The percentages of crude morbidity, incidence rates of Chinese population standardization and world population standardized rates in 20 years were 381.64%, 68.47% and 90.37%, respectively. The annual average percentage of change was 4.25%, 1.39% and 1.59% respectively. The incidence of colorectal cancer in each period showed that the incidence of all age groups over the age of 40 ~ 44 had a clear upward trend, ≥ 85 years old later declined. The increasing incidence of colorectal cancer in men and women of all ages is basically the same, but the rate of increase of men is higher than that of women. Conclusion The incidence of colorectal cancer in Qiannan Prefecture in Guizhou Province has been on the rise for 20 years, which should be paid more attention.
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