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档案学以档案和档案工作为研究对象。其基本任务是:在研究档案和档案工作发展规律的基础上,提出档案工作的科学理论、原则与方法,指导档案工作实践,提高档案管理的科学水平,以便充分实现档案的价值,为各项社会实践服务。档案学的研究内容主要有档案基础理论、档案史、档案管理、档案资源开发、档案应用五个方面。档案学基础理论研究,即研究档案的起源与发展、档案的本质属性与一般属性、档案种类的划分、档案价值及其实现的规律性、国家档案全宗的实质与结构;档案工作系统的结构、功能与社会环境,档案工作的性质与基本原则,档案工作与文书、图书、情报工作的关系; Archives to file and file for the study. Its basic task is to put forward the scientific theories, principles and methods of file work based on the study of the development rules of file and file work, guide the practice of file work and improve the scientific standard of file management in order to fully realize the value of file, Social practice service. Archives studies mainly include the basic theory of archives, archives history, archives management, archives resources development, archives application in five aspects. The basic theory of archives studies, namely the study of the origin and development of archives, the nature and general attributes of archives, the classification of archives, the value of archives and the regularity of their realization, the essence and structure of the archives of the archives, the structure of archival work system , Function and social environment, the nature and basic principles of archival work, the relationship between archival work and documents, books and intelligence work;
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1991年5月下旬甘肃省农作物品种审定委员会在兰州召开了第九次扩大会议,审定通过了各类农作物品种共16个。它们分别是; 冬小麦新品种4个:即陇丰1号(曾用名陇鉴46)由甘肃省农
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.