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在新闻界评定业务职称过程中,我注意浏览了部分同志特别是有点名气的、申请高级职称的记者、编辑开列的代表作,几乎大多是数千字甚至上万言的长文章,很少甚至没有几百字的短新闻。此事看来似乎反常,但细想一下,却并不奇怪。不知从什么时候起,有些报社已经或多或少地有了这么一条不成文的标准:谁发表了长篇通讯、消息或评论,不管是否需要、值得,也不管质量究竟如何,在人们的心目中,谁就“放了重炮”,“丢了大石头”,谁就“水平高”、“能力强”,谁就是“名记者”、“名编辑”。接踵而至的,就是捧场、晋级乃至提拔。反之,谁写的短稿多,也不管是否需要,质量究竟如何,谁就只会“补白”、 During the process of assessing business titles in the press, I paid attention to visiting some comrades, especially famous ones, journalists applying for senior titles, masterpieces of editorials, and long articles that are mostly thousands of words or even 10,000 words, with little or no Hundreds of short news. This may seem anomalous, but think about it, but not surprising. I do not know when, some newspapers have more or less had an unwritten standard: who published long newsletters, news or commentary, whether it is needed, worth it, or whatever the quality, in the minds of people , Who “put heavy artillery”, “lost a big rock”, who “high level”, “strong ability”, who is “famous reporter”, “name editor.” Followed, is to join in, promotion and promotion. On the contrary, who wrote the short draft more, regardless of the need or not, the quality of what exactly, who will only “filter”
在20世纪中国画坛上,三条脉络清晰可见:一条是以张大千领衔的传统派画家,代表画家还有吴湖帆、溥儒、贺天健、郑午昌,稍后有陆俨少、谢稚柳等;第二条为民间派画家,代表画家为齐白石,还有陈子庄等;第三条为海归派画家,代表画家为林风眠和徐悲鸿,这一路有影响的画家尚有刘海粟、高剑父、高奇峰、陶冷月等。不过海归派在国际上最有影响和成就的当推林风眠。  林风眠(1900-1991)是一位与20世纪同龄的画家,有
自去年11月,台湾开放民众赴大陆探亲至今一年多来,台湾电视纷纷争相播放大陆节目,台报形容台湾电视的“大陆热”已到了“发烧”的地步。 最初,台湾“中视”、“华视”“台视