
来源 :中国农资 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chongai2009
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为庆祝中国农资流通协会成立20周年,协会从即日起启动“汇力杯——我与农资流通二十年”有奖征文大赛,欢迎广大业内人士积极参与!投稿须知:1.征文应结合我国农资流通体制变革历史,主题鲜明,条理清楚,所有文章应为作者真实原创,严禁抄袭。2.围绕活动主题,抒发真情实感,体裁不限。题目自拟,篇幅以2000字以内为宜。 To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of China Agricultural Materials Circulation Association, the association from now on to start “Huili cup - I and agricultural capital circulation twenty years ” prizes essay competition, the majority of the industry are welcome to actively participate in! Essay should be combined with the history of China’s agricultural capital circulation system reform, the theme of clear, well-organized, all articles should be the author’s true original, is strictly prohibited plagiarism. 2 around the theme of activities to express the true feelings, the genre is not limited. The title of the self-preparation, length to 2000 words or less appropriate.
The microstructure and mechanical properties of cast inserted dies for automobile covering components were studied. The results show that the as-cast microstruc
例1 先证者,男4岁。自幼双眼视力差,颤动不停,眼球小、伴有眼斜视,于1994年6月23日就诊。查体:智力正常,一般体检无明显异常发现。眼部检查:视力:右眼无光感,左眼检查不合作
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Hitler’s Private Library:The Books That Shaped His Life by Timothy W.Ryback Knopf 2008年10月据资料记载,希特勒的私人藏书室共有大约一万六千册书,分别位于柏林、慕
近几年,以私家车为主要服务对象的汽车俱乐部,以各种不同的方式纷纷组建起来,逐渐成为推动我国汽车产业发展的重要角色。 In recent years, auto clubs, which are mainly