
来源 :铸造技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangshjing
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第六届国际铸造、锻压及工业炉展览会 2 0 0 2年 9月 17日~ 2 0日在北京中国国际展览中心隆重举行 ,这是世界第三、亚洲最大的铸造、锻压及热加工展 ,是中国唯一被国际博览会联盟 (UFI)认证并吸收为成员的同类展 ;国务院三峡工程建设委员会副主任 ,中国铸造协会理事长郭树言、全国人大财经委员 ,中国机械工业联合会常务副会长陆燕荪出席开幕式 ;来自 2 5个国家和地区的 95 0余家企业参加本届盛会 ,展出面积 2 80 0 0m2 ,与会人数 2 5 0 0 0余人次 ,外商展出面积占展览会的 3 5 % ;展览会评出了 2 9家优质铸件金奖单位。 The 6th International Exhibition on Foundry, Forging and Industrial Furnaces was held at China International Exhibition Center, Beijing from September 17 to February 20, 2002. This is the third largest exhibition in the world for foundry, forging and thermal processing , Is the only similar exhibition certified and absorbed by UFI in China; Guo Shuyan, deputy director of the Three Gorges Project Construction Committee of the State Council; Guo Shuyan, chairman of China Foundry Association; Lu Yansun, member of the Financial and Economic Committee of NPC, executive vice president of China Machinery Industry Federation; Attended the opening ceremony; more than 95 enterprises from 25 countries and regions attended the event, displaying an area of ​​28000m2 and attending more than 2550 participants. The exhibition area of ​​foreign exhibitors was 35% %; The exhibition has rated 29 high-quality casting Gold Award units.
Polarized UV-visible absorption spectroscopy was used to investigate the inplanc orientation of the hemicyanine molecules in Y-type Langmuir-Blodgett(LB) multil
舌尖②吃菜吃出好心脏每家可领2本,发完为止400-0301-910 400-0301-910●不用医生提醒,冠心病、脑中风、高血压等心脑血管疾病患者都在自我控制饮食,对许多食材都是忌口的●
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“上海大不同天山茶城”2 0 0 2年 5月现身。茶城集茶叶交易、包装、品茗、表演为一体 ,规模宏大 ,占地面积 80 0 0m2 ,建筑面积 2 30 0 0m2 ,主要经营国内主要产共茶区的茶叶