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岩体渗透性是反映岩体水力学特征的重要参数,为探究深部岩体的渗透性,采用钻孔高压压水试验手段,对东滩煤矿深部巷道底板四段岩体进行了现场原位压水试验,获得了大量实测数据。试验和数据分析结果表明:岩体在压水过程中经历了“隔水–导渗–稳渗”的过程,随着压水的进行,岩体的渗透性不断增强。东滩煤矿深部底板的厚层泥岩具有低阻弱渗的特点,厚层砂岩和互层具有高阻弱渗的特点,四段岩体原始状态下渗透性均较差。注水压力与流量关系曲线具有很好的指数关系,除厚层砂岩外,厚层泥岩和互层的注水压力–流量关系具有明显的分段性。岩体等效裂隙宽度随着注水压力的增大具有较好的指数关系且具有明显的分段性,即可分为突变点前的稳定阶段和突变点后的突增阶段。可通过裂隙宽度变化量?b是否大于0来判断岩体内是否发生明显渗流。研究结果有助于加强对深部岩体在水压作用渗透性变化的认识,为深部煤层的安全开采提供重要的参考依据。 The permeability of rock mass is an important parameter that reflects the hydraulic characteristics of the rock mass. To explore the permeability of the deep rock mass, drilling pressure test was used to test the in situ pressure of the rock mass in the deep floor of the Dongtan coal mine Water test, obtained a large number of measured data. The results of the test and the data analysis show that the rock mass undergoes the process of “water-permeating-seepage-stabilizing” during water pressure, and permeability of the rock mass increases with the pressure of water. The thick mudstone in the deep floor of Dongtan Coal Mine has the characteristics of low resistance and weak permeability, and the thick sandstone and interbed have the characteristics of high resistance and weak permeability. The permeability of the four sections of rock mass is poor under the original condition. The relationship between injection pressure and flow rate has a good exponential relationship. Except for thick sandstone, the relationship between water injection pressure and flow rate of thick mudstone and interbed has obvious segmental relations. The equivalent fracture width of rock mass has a good exponential relationship with the increase of injection pressure and has obvious segmentality, which can be divided into the stabilization phase before the mutation point and the sudden increase phase after the mutation point. Through the change of crack width? B is greater than 0 to determine whether significant seepage within the rock mass. The results of this study will help to deepen the understanding of the permeability change of deep rock mass under water pressure and provide an important reference for the safe mining of deep coal seams.
<正> 面神经炎,指茎乳突孔内面神经的急性非化脓性炎症,引起周围性面神经麻痹。由1821年国外学者Bell首例报告,故亦称Bell氏麻痹。此后,许多学者对该病作了反复深入的研究。