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地处赣南革命老区、国家级贫困县的会昌实验学校创办于2000年,现有76个教学班、5000多名学生、280多名教职工,是赣州市最大的初中建制学校。学校在建校之初实施名师优生战略,教师从全县学校精选,学生也从全县择优而来,办学条件虽比较艰苦,但教学质量在全县独占鳌头。近几年来,学生按片区入学,县城所在镇文武坝镇的大部分农村学生被划分到实验学校,学校失去了办学之初的优势。尤其是2008年,文武坝镇一所有1000多名学 Huichang Experimental School, located in the old revolutionary base areas of Gannan and the national poverty-stricken counties, was founded in 2000 with 76 teaching classes, more than 5000 students and more than 280 faculty members. It is the largest junior high school institution in Ganzhou. At the beginning of the school, the school implemented the teacher’s eugenics strategy. The teachers were selected from all the schools in the county. The students also came from the whole county. Although the conditions for running the school were rather difficult, the quality of teaching was the best in the whole county. In recent years, students enroll in districts and counties. Most of the rural students in Wenwuba, a town where the county seat is located, are divided into experimental schools, and schools have lost the advantages of running schools. Especially in 2008, Wenba dam town has more than 1,000 students
利用正交试验方法,研究了水胶比、用水量、增钙灰取代水泥率和砂率对高性能砼的工作性和强度的影响规律,提出了利用大掺量粉煤灰制备高性能砼是现实的。 The effects of water
The seismo-electromagnetics, a new terminology in Earth science in 1960’s, has become quite popular now, especially in the earthquake researches, as more and m
前言 先前的研究已确定应激环境的免疫抑制作用。最近认为氧化氮是一种免疫反应的媒介物。这项试 Preface Previous studies have identified immunosuppressive effects i
应用琼脂糖凝胶电泳技术,检测了1995年分离自云南思茅地区五县市鼠疫菌质粒。结果表明全部菌株除含有已知的6、45和65Mdal 3种常规质粒外,还存在1种分子量约为4Mdal的小质粒,