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最近,大学毕业将近一年的小董终于找到工作,在一家健身会所做市场推广。这个来之不易的工作让她很是兴奋:“月薪1000元,暂时不给交养老保险,虽然工资低了点,但这个职位与我所学专业对口,毕竟想学以致用嘛,况且现在工作这么难找。”笔者以为小董是个保险意识淡薄的人,便提醒她说:“养老保险是强制性的,用人单位不履行义务,你有权向劳动保障监督部门举报。”小董呵呵笑道:“看来你有所不知,现在有很多私营企业都不给新员工交保险,因为他们知道工作难找,也就顺水推舟,暗箱操作了,员工只有将就的份儿,毕竟不想丢掉饭碗。”据悉,目前有很多企业存在拖欠养老保险问题,有的是故意所为,有的是因为经营不善的无奈之举。我们知道,养老保险制度改革的初衷是为减轻企业负担,为职工退休后提供生活来源保障,按理说企业和职工都应拥护,但为什么企业敢以身试法、暗自抵抗呢?是一个令人深思的问题。 Recently, a year after graduating from college, Dong finally found a job and marketed at a fitness club. This hard-won job made her very excited: “Monthly salary of 1,000 yuan, temporarily not to pay old-age insurance, although the wage is low, but this position and I learned professional counterparts, after all, want to learn why, and now Work is so hard to find. ”“ I thought that Dong was a weak insurance person, and then reminded her that ”pension insurance is compulsory and the employer fails to fulfill its obligations and you have the right to report it to the labor and social security department.“ Dong Hehe laughed: ”It seems you do not know, there are many private companies do not pay insurance for new employees, because they know the hard work to find, also push the boat, obscurantist operation, the staff will only share, After all, do not want to lose their jobs. "It is reported that there are many enterprises there is the problem of arrears of pension insurance, and some are intentional, and some because of the business of helpless move. We know that the original intention of the reform of the pension insurance system is to lighten the burden on enterprises and to provide a source of living guarantee for employees after retirement. It stands to reason that both enterprises and staff should support it. But why enterprises dare to try their own tricks to resist this? It is a thought-provoking question .
  本文选用了中国1960-2009年的逐日平均水汽压和水平能见度资料,在已有的利用能见度反演气溶胶光学厚度方法的基础上,以2001-2009年卫星资料MISR level3逐月气溶胶光学厚度
人的耳朵上面分布着上百个可以用来防治疾病的穴位。经常搓耳廓可以防治耳部冻疮,并能起到健肾壮腰、养身延年的作用。其保健方法是: There are hundreds of acupuncture po