
来源 :药物分析杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zkinchow
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氨基酸是组成蛋白质的基本单元,在人体及动物生命活动中起着举足轻重的作用。光学纯氨基酸是合成多肽和内酰胺类抗生素等药物的重要中间体,在药物合成、新材料开发、食品添加剂和精细化学品的研发等方面都具有巨大的应用价值。近年来,D-氨基酸的重要生理机能(作为疾病标志物等)研究已逐渐成为作用于神经及内分泌系统的新型药物开发或疾病新诊断方法研发等领域的热点。但是在生物样品中往往存在大量的L-氨基酸,不利于体内微量D-氨基酸的分析研究,因此开发有效的氨基酸手性拆分方法意义重大。在常见的手性拆分方法中,手性固定相(CSP)色谱法因具有准确、快速及固定相选择范围宽等特点,现已在液相色谱等领域得到了广泛应用。以氨基酸及金鸡纳类等为手性选择剂的“刷型”手性固定相是D-氨基酸液相色谱分析中非常重要的一类手性固定相,同时也是手性液相色谱领域使用量大,适用面广,对手性识别机理揭示较深的一类固定相。它的识别是基于手性分子和固定相之间的氢键作用、π-π作用、偶极堆积作用等实现的。针对近年来“刷型”手性固定相的快速发展,本文详尽地介绍了目前常用的Sumichiral OA型、金鸡纳类(奎尼丁或者奎宁)等手性固定相在D-氨基酸分离分析中的应用情况。 Amino acids are the basic units that make up proteins and play an important role in human and animal life activities. Optical pure amino acids are important intermediates in the synthesis of peptides and lactam antibiotics. They have great application value in drug synthesis, new material development, research and development of food additives and fine chemicals. In recent years, the research on the important physiological functions of D-amino acids (as disease markers, etc.) has gradually become a hot spot in the field of research and development of new drugs for the development of neurological and endocrine systems and new diagnostic methods of diseases. However, a large number of L-amino acids are often found in biological samples, which is not conducive to the analysis of trace amounts of D-amino acids in vivo. Therefore, it is of great significance to develop effective amino acid chiral resolution methods. Chiral stationary phase (CSP) chromatography has been widely used in liquid chromatography and other fields due to its advantages of accuracy, rapidity and wide selection of stationary phases in common chiral resolution methods. The “brush-like” chiral stationary phases with amino acids and cinchons as chiral selectors are a very important class of chiral stationary phases in D-amino acid liquid chromatography and are also the field of chiral liquid chromatography Large amount of use, wide range of applications, the recognition mechanism of chirality revealed a deeper type of stationary phase. Its recognition is based on hydrogen bonding between chiral molecules and stationary phase, π-π interaction and dipolar stacking. In view of the rapid development of “brush ” chiral stationary phase in recent years, this article describes in detail the common chiral stationary phase of Sumichiral OA type, cinchina (quinidine or quinine) in D-amino acid separation Analysis of the application.