
来源 :西南古籍研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ntcao
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1939年7月,国民政府教育部组织西南边疆教育考察团,考察了云南、贵州和广西三省,提出《建议书》。“其中有关教育方面者,均由教育部采供参考,或通饬各边省教育厅遵照办理,有关政治经济建设者,曾转呈行政院采供施行。”~②对国民政府此后制定相关政策有直接影响,在中国近代史、中国民族史及边疆史地研究方面具有一定的参考价值。中国第二历史档案馆《中华民国史档案资料汇编》第五辑第二编教育(二)收录,但有删节~③,未收录二十三“关于政治建设者”、二十四“关于经济建设者”、二十五“缩小省区”、二十六“边地驻兵”、二十七“筑路”。由于种种原因,学术界至今对此仍很少提及。因此,本文拟对考察团的组建与考察经过、《中华民国史档案资料汇编》所收录《建议书》的主要内容及其价值与意义作一介绍。 In July 1939, the Ministry of Education of the National Government organized an inspection tour of southwest frontier education and inspected Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi provinces and proposed a “proposal.” “Among them, those concerning education are collected by the Ministry of Education for reference, or the Department of Education of all provinces and autonomous regions shall comply with them and relevant political and economic constructors have been referred to the Executive Yuan for collection and execution.” The formulation of relevant policies has a direct impact, in the modern history of China, the history of China’s ethnic and historical and geographical research has some reference value. China’s Second Historical Archives, “Republic of China Historical Archives Compilation,” fifth series second series of education (b) included, but abridged ~ ③, did not include twenty-three “on political builders”, twenty-four “On economic builders”, twenty-five “Decreasing the provincial”, twenty-six “On the sidelines”, twenty-seven “Road building.” Due to various reasons, the academic circles still seldom mention this. Therefore, this article intends to make an introduction on the main contents, value and significance of the “Proposal” contained in the “Collection of Historical Records of the Republic of China” after the formation and study of the delegation.
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