
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luoyanxiang
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Background and aims: Ulcerative colitis disease activity indices offer good statistical power but small changes in these indices may not be clinically important. There are no validated definitions of remission or of significant improvement for these indices. The use of clinically important end points would strengthen the validity of study outcomes. Our aims were to identify objective end points in standard disease activity indices for remission and for improvement in ulcerative colitis. Methods: Sixty six consecutive patients with ulcerative colitis provided information about remission status and their disease activity. At a return visit 1-14 months later, these patients provided information about the change in their disease activity, and non-invasive indices were measured. Results: Specific objective end points for determining remission with four standard indices and a quality of life instrument were deter mined (St Mark’s < 3.5, ulcerative colitis disease activity index < 2.5, simple clinical colitis activity index (SCCAI) < 2.5, Seo < 120, and inflammatory bowel disease quality of life index (IBDQ) >205). These cut offs also identified patients who met a regulatory definition of remission. Specific objective end points for clinical improvement in two non-invasive indices and a quality of life instrument were determined with good sensitivity and specificity (SCCAI decrease >1.5, Seo decrease >30, IBDQ increase >20). Conclusions: We found specific cut off values for disease activity indices that identify patients who have significantly improved or achieved remission in an objective, sensitive, and specific manner. These cut offs should help in the interpretation of the outcomes of clinical trials in ulcerative colitis. Background and aims: Ulcerative colitis disease activity indices offer good statistical power but small changes in these indices may not be clinically important. There are no validated definitions of remission or of significant improvement for these indices. The use of clinically important end points would enhance the validity of study outcomes. Our aims were to identify objective end points in standard disease activity indices for remission and for improvement in ulcerative colitis. Methods: Sixty six consecutive patients with ulcerative colitis provided information about remission status and their disease activity. At a return visit 1-14 months later, these patients provided information about the change in their disease activity, and non-invasive indices were measured. Results: Specific objective end points for determining remission with four standard indices and a quality of life instrument were deter mined (St Mark’s <3.5, ulcerative colitis disease activity index <2.5, simple Clinical colitis activity index (SCCAI) <2.5, Seo <120, and inflammatory bowel disease quality of life index (IBDQ)> 205). These cut offs also identify patients who met a regulatory definition of remission. Specific objective end points for clinical improvement in two non-invasive indices and a quality of life instrument were determined with good sensitivity and specificity (SCCAI decrease> 1.5, Seo decrease> 30, IBDQ increase> 20). Conclusions: We found specific cut off values ​​for disease activity indices that identify those who have significantly improved or achieved remission in an objective, sensitive, and specific manner. These cut offs should help in the interpretation of the outcomes of clinical trials in ulcerative colitis.
例1男,34岁.因间歇性乏力、纳差、腹胀、尿黄3年,发热、干咳1周入院.入院时体检:体温38.3℃,精神萎靡,巩膜及皮肤深度黄染,未见肝掌及蜘蛛痣,心、肺、腹部(-),实验室检查:血清丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)61 U/L,总胆红素(TBIL)454.86 μmol/L,直接胆红素(DBIL)439.09μmol/L,白蛋白(ALB)23.57 g/L,凝血酶原时间(PT)30 s,凝血酶原活动度(P
本文从实践经验总结出化学实验室工作方法、技巧,实用、高效,能有力地辅助好化学教学工作,服务好化学教学工作。 Based on practical experience, this article summarizes