分镜头之70年代:改变命运 建功立业

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沧海桑田,时光飞逝如电,高考恢复30年来,为中国的现代化建设培养了难以计数的栋梁之材,它的历史意义毋庸赘言。站在30年的时光点上,身为这一划时代壮举的受益者及亲历人,我们向它致敬。但30年的岁月洗礼,也让人们更多地思考这一制度是否还能够更公平、更健全。 The sea and sky, the time flies like electricity, college entrance examination for 30 years since the restoration of China’s modernization has cultivated an unevaluable pillar of its material, its historical significance Needless to say. At the 30-year time point, as the beneficiaries and witnesses of this epoch-breaking feat, we pay tribute to it. However, the 30 years of baptism also make people think more about whether this system can be more fair and sound.