A Primary Study on 27 of dGe vdun chos vphel's Watercolors and Drawings

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Although it was difficult,by dint of countless efforts,I made Illustrations unfolding various lands: The regions,houses,men and women, The various sorts of wondrous trees and flowers.2 dGe vdun chos vphel,the most outstanding twentieth-century Tibetan master of humanism,not only undertook extensive research into such academic fields as history,religion,language and geography,but also had significant achievements in the arts.He broadened the framework of traditional Tibetan art,studied and absorbed Western artistic techniques and styles.Then,by combining the two very different styles,he succeeded in developing a unique artistic approach.This article concentrates on the twenty-seven watercolors and drawings dGe vdun chos vphel executed during his study tour of Lhasa and the South Asian countries between 1934 and 1945.On the basis of a systematic analysis of dGe vdun chos vphel's studies and his creative experiences,this article hopes to produce a thorough analysis of these works and an investigation into his artistic achievements.
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