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贝弗利·法默是澳大利亚著名女作家,于1992年发表了长篇小说《海豹女人》。在这部小说中,大海表示生命之源和男女爱情,房屋表示父权社会对女性的限制,沼泽地表示进退维谷的纠结状态,灯塔表示模糊的希望。法默运用象征手法,通过对以上四种景物的象征意义解读,阐述一个女人痛苦的生活经历以及复杂的内心生活这一文学主题。 Beverly Farmer is a famous Australian woman writer who published the novel “The Seals Woman” in 1992. In this novel, the sea expresses the source of life and the love of men and women, the houses represent the restrictions on women by the patriarchal society, the tumultuous state of the marshes expressing the advancing and retreating visions, and the lighthouse expressing vague hope. Fame used the symbolism to explain the literary theme of a woman’s painful life experience and complex inner life through the symbolic interpretation of the above four kinds of scenery.
小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)是我国主要的粮食作物之一,在农业生产中占有重要的地位。近年来,由于在培育新品种过程中频繁使用一些相同的亲本,导致品种间的遗传基础日趋狭窄,这不仅对育种产生了负面影响,而且降低了栽培品种抵御不良环境的能力。所以,拓宽育种材料的遗传基础显得尤为重要。地方品种遗传异质性高、多样性丰富,具有广阔的利用前景。在我国,经过长期的栽培和引种,形成了丰富多样的小麦地
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