
来源 :中国种业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tmd632
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为探讨周麦25号的高产优质高效配套栽培技术,本试验采用播期、播量、追肥期3因子二次正交旋转组合设计,研究了其对周麦25号主要农艺性状和品质特性的影响。结果显示,产量受播期、播量的共同作用,而受追肥期影响较小。建立产量模型:Y=9054.88684-707.42039X1-238.97251X22,预测产量最大值为10244.6kg/hm2。子粒蛋白质含量(干基)比较稳定,平均为14.5%,变异系数仅为1.10%;湿面筋含量均值为31.6%。面粉白度均值为74.1,变异系数仅为1.30%,面粉表现出亮黄色。面筋指数受栽培措施影响较大,变异系数达到59.30%。周麦25号最佳栽培组合为:10月9日播种,基本苗在270万/hm2左右,2月中旬追施尿素225kg/hm2。 In order to discuss the high-yield, high-quality and high-efficiency cultivation techniques of Zhoumai 25, we used three-factor quadratic orthogonal rotation combination design of sowing date, sowing date and top dressing period to study its main agronomic traits and quality characteristics of Zhoumai 25 influences. The results showed that the yield by the sowing date, sowing the combined effect, but less affected by the top dressing. The establishment of yield model: Y = 9054.88684-707.42039X1-238.97251X22, the maximum predicted yield of 10244.6kg / hm2. The grain protein content (dry basis) was relatively stable, with an average of 14.5% and a coefficient of variation of only 1.10%. The wet gluten content was 31.6%. Flour whiteness average was 74.1, coefficient of variation was only 1.30%, flour showed bright yellow. The gluten index was greatly affected by the cultivation measures, with a coefficient of variation of 59.30%. Zhoumai 25 best combination of cultivation as follows: October 9 sowing, the basic seedlings in about 2.7 million / hm2, mid-February topdressing urea 225kg / hm2.
依据武钢现场条件,建立了连铸板坯(230 m m ×1 300 m m ,250 m m ×1 500 m m )传热数学模型,全面探讨了连铸工艺参数对铸坯热状态的影响,它可以应用于连铸坯“传搁时间表”的制订,为连铸坯热送热装提供了
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